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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

suke garu sbb kulit gue sensitip...suke mengarot sbb kan kalo senyap sgt sengal lak..suke makan tapi tak makan manyak..suke negok tv..haa gue ade hobiezz baru sbb gue dah ade kemere yng best2 belake negok la nanti kat yerk..heheheh..

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penzina-zina yng top chart kat dunie(girl only)!!heheh!!sebenornyer gue nak st jumpe hannah tan pastue deting makan donat jco!!huhu...dan tak lupe amoi2 di Sungeiwang dan amoi2 di perumahan umah gue di Rampaiville..heheh..wahh mereke sngt comei chek btoi laa!!hehehe

My Blog

cube2 negok pics yng dah di snap mengunekan lomo (fisheyes 2) tak lame lagi ade manyak gamba!!
Posted by on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 02:14:00 GMT

sakit perot pegi laa
Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 22:52:00 GMT