Robb Dogg profile picture

Robb Dogg

About Me

Robb Dogg AkA Mista Wig Splita, Born in the great state of Dollarado! Has been representing these streets for years! With musical talent derived from his raw and uncut lingo, too his driven beats! its no wonder he's one of the states big hitters! A lifestyle of dedication to familia and the grind, has fasioned him to a well rounded artists with perfomances under his belt since 92'! Carshows, Pitbulls, Hardcore Beats and Lyrics As Big Head Records frontman, he's also linked up with the Mile High Beat Club as one of the Hardest Hispanic/ Latin, Naturally Talented Performers in the Colo. Watch for the New album " DOLLA$ & CENT$" And his Debut Album " CRIMINAL MINDED" to drop soon..........With bangers from: Mc PumP, Mista Million, Big Reeks, Frieght, and Many More!

Robb Dogg a Criminal Minded COlO representa 303 BABY

My Interests


Member Since: 28/02/2006
Band Website: coming soon....
Band Members: PimpMySpace ROBB DOGG CRIMINAL MINDED = The Album COMING SOON........TIMES RIDERS IN THE SKYINTENSITYMile High Representa Gen. Robb Dogg and the Criminals
Influences:Ice Cube, C-Bo, Scarface, UGK, Three 6 Mafia, Hollow Tip, Bad Azz, MACK 10, Teck 9, Mc PumP, Richard Pryor, Al Pachino, Linkin Park! Are you kinding I cant name them all...........

Sounds Like: Get StupidSounds like a Mutha Fucka thats strait up ready to take whats not been given to Him........RESPECT, POWER, MONEY, & MUSIC There's nuthin new under the Sun, with that in mind I sound like what you like, but not like who you dont like! Originality has always been one of my Best Qualities you be the Judge! One Love to my Fans! ROBB DOGG MILE HIGH BEAT CLUB MUCH LOVE TO ALL MY PEOPLES...LATINAS AND MY NIGGAS 303 REPIN MILE HIGH BEAT CLUB FOR THE SUCKAS EAT A DICK WE CRACKIN CRANIUMS..


Type of Label: Major

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