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I am here for Friends

About Me

If you know me, then you know me. Nothing has or will change. I'm still the mother of two of the most beautiful daughters that anyone could ever be blessed with. I have a wonderful family that reaches from everywhere, it seems. My brothers are wonderful and my sisters are true. I still love the only man for me, and finally have some understanding of certain situations that caused me at other times to be,shall we say, not so understanding. My Dislikes are easy....I simply HATE ppl who are incapible of having their own lives and try and suck life from those around them, or those who are just worthless. I HATE laziness and ppl with no sense of self worth. I HATE to see my friends hurt and dispise to watch someone I love have to sink to sicken levels just to survive, whatever their current situation. But, most importantly, I LOVE life and figuring out how to live it, I LOVE the beautiful and smart ppl that God brought into my life and as bad as I hate to say it, I also love the dumbasses as well (everyone needs at least ONE loser to laugh at with their Homies)..

Background from Yahoo search result ..

Background from Yahoo search result

My Interests

Right now, my biggest interest is just learning how to live. It's not the "gimme" that I had thought it was all my life. I love to read, but only "true" types of books...not much on the imaginary, that's what the drama in life is for

I'd like to meet:

Right now, I know who I am, and that is all that matters. I have made some pretty hard decisions that have been building for the past few weeks. So I suppose if I was "normal", I would say I wanted to meet some famous person or "the man of my dreams", but honestly, I'm fine right where God has me. He brought him to me on June 26th, and that's all that matters. I'm just gonna ride this ride til it ends, cuz he knew where it was going before it started so who am I to second guess him, right? That's why he has Cosmic control on this ride, so he can exact his own punishments to those who have hurt his plans or tried to play him. So I'm buckled up and just gonna ride it out.........


I LOVE music..it's such a great escape. I like different types, but my favorite is newer hip-hop (southern kissed, of course) and Rock. Not ever been much of a Country music fan and the rest just kinda falls where it does. I LOVE any song that, when you remove the actual music, still speaks to you. I don't like "deadline" music, which to me, is a song that was written just to fill a void on a cd or was written about things by ppl who have never actually experienced them


I love guy movies...Goodfellas, Casino, The Departed, etc....and yes, I DO like the occasional "Chick Flick"...I just don't admit it too often


I don't watch much t.v. anymore, but when I do, it's mostly drama type shows. I love any of the Law & Order, CSI, and lots of Court tv and the History Channel. I also like shows like Miami Ink, and some of those brainless reality shows ;-)


I just like to read. If the book is good, regardless of what type, I'll be into it until it is finished. I really like books about "real" things. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


They would have to be my mother and father, for all they put up with to raise me, and my daughters for the same (LOL).Finally I would have to say my friends...my REAL friends. U know, the one's that stick by u even if they think ur screwing up. I LOVE YA'LL!!