I am a fun and very outgoing person. I enjoy going to the bar/club, riding motorcross, and pretty much anything that gets your adreline going. (ie Skydiving)
Myspace Layouts
I like Sports (mainly football and motorcross), I like to go out and party, and finish going to college..
ANYONE WHO DOES NOT SUCK!!!!!!!!!.. width="425" height="350" ..
i will listen to about anything i have a collection of like 2500 cd's you name it i probably have it
Favorite movie: Its kinda a toss up between FeAr AnD LoAtHinG In LaS VeGaS and Scarface. But you cant forget about Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, basically anything By Tarentino Either one is a classic...
Hosted at YourSpaceNow.com
Hosted at YourSpaceNow.com
Hosted at YourSpaceNow.com
i watch the simpsons, family guy, War at home, american dad, CSI, pretty much anything that interests me.
HIGH TIMES does that count??
Hunter S. Thompson..