Korhan Kaya, also known as 2ka, is an electronic music composer and coder focused on network and graphics programming.
At late 1980s, he started composing electronic music using 64kb sony hitbit/ msx with the basic program that he coded.
As a family tradition he studied Turkish classical music and played ud, tambur as well as guitar. At childhood , he is influenced from game soundtracks, .mod files, classical music and heavy metal sounds.Later he started composing tracks using Sound Trackers on Amiga 500, Fast Tracker II on PC , finally Infamous Jeskola Buzz.. .
Thanks to the era of internet he managed to have a wide range of musical taste. He loves to combine analog instruments with synthetic atari and c64 sid sounds, ambient pads , glitches and experimental beats.
Korhan is "persistently" composing tracks using Jeskola Buzz ( and numerous vst-dx plugins )
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