Static' the movement (francais)
Avis aux fans de J Dilla, de Waajeed , de Madlib et de Sa-Ra Creative Partners . Static 'The movement vous invite à découvrir les nouveaux talents inscrits dans la digne lignée de ces artistes. En effet sous l'initiative des beatmakers Milesfender et Saneyes (Paris, France), les séries Static' The movement réuniront tout les 3 mois la crème des producteurs indépendants internationaux (tendance hip hop/soul/jazz) sur une compilation flirtant entre hip hop et electro.
Toute l'équipe de Static' vous souhaite la bienvenue dans leur laboratoire musical.
_______________________Static' the movement (english)
Fans of J Dilla, Waajeed, Madlib and Sa-ra Creative Partners : Attention, Static' The movement invites you to find out about these artists' worthy legacy of new talents. Initiated by the beatmakers Milesfender and Saneyes (Paris, France) the Static' The movement series will indeed gather the cream of the crop of international independent producers (hip hop/soul/jazz influence) every 3 months on a compilation swaying between hip hop and electro.
The whole Static' team welcomes you into their musical laboratory.
Serie 1.2 "World Music"
With :
tErU feat Supafuh - Yamabushis
Matrix Beatz -- Space India
Chief - Breakfast in Tokyo
Crackzata - Oh pagode
Nicky Lars - Afreaka(bil)
5kiem - Beats make fallin asleep
Madden - From B to I
Jr EakEe - Ngoni Guitar Ouatson
Spon - Go!!!
Moar - Ya head
AK the Urbanist - Griots of rythm
Young Raven - Medina
Tismé & Caps - Samboss (
Milesfender - Miles of the World
Greg 7e ciel - En la onda
Doctor Von Fool - Neo AOF
Download the mixtape here