Victor profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm really bad at describing myself, but I will give it a try. I'm shy at the beginning, but when I feel comfortable around you, then i will begin to open, and do I ever. I can be fun (just add alcohol) or be really serious, depending on how I feel. I enjoy intellectual conversations most of the time, but tend to get silly sometimes. I'm an advocate for education and believe that everyone has the potential to reach high goals in the education. We have a good education system, take advantage. It's like I always say (I think I heard it somewhere else), it's more expensive not to go to school. I have an Associate of Arts in Liberal Studies from Mount San Antonio College (2003) and am currently working on attaining my Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration from California State University in Los Angeles. My goal is to attend Law School and specialize in Immigration Law. I would like to, eventually, open a resource center for the working and productive immigrant to be able to attain their citizenship. It's such a shame that there are those "lawyers" scamming these people with false promises. Anyway, I like to go to the beach and am an avid swimmer (although I don't look like it right now). Well, I can't think of much more to say, if you would like to know more, just ask me. I'm an open book.

My Interests

Beach, Movies, Connie, Books, Music, Chisme, Friends, Family, Food, Money, Kareoke.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone I fell out of touch with. I would really love (and thats an understatement) to meet Angelina Jolie. I'd like to meet Britney Spears to slap some sense into her. And like Tara said, the Head Monkey (to answer some unanswered questions on my past).


I listen to almost everything. A little bit of everything. From some pop to hip-hop. I mean everything.


LOTR, Interview with the Vampire, The Secret Garden, Grease, Identity, Lizzy McGuire Movie, A Goofy Movie, Lion King, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Gothika, 28 Days Later, Pocahontas, and a lot more.


Everwood, The OC, American Idol.


The Hobbit, LOTR, Vampire Chronicles, The Secret Garden, Tale of Two Cities, Lord of the Flies, The Great Gatsby, anything by Dean Koontz, The Taming of the Shrew, Othello, Macbeth.


My parents for teaching me important values. My brothers for teaching me the importance of tolerance. My baby brother Alex, for being the cutest three year old I have ever known. Connie for giving me ulcers (just kidding baby, I love you!)

My Blog

I just came home....

Sometimes you just have to drive and think about things.  There are times you might even think that what you’re going through is so not totally worth it or really pointless.  It’...
Posted by Victor on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 12:36:00 PST

Being Sick!

Being sick with this stomach virus that my son so graciously passed on to me really blows!!!!!!
Posted by Victor on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 10:55:00 PST


As some of you may already know, Connie and I are now engaged.  Yup, I finally popped the question and event went to ask her parents for her hand in marriage.  I know it's kind of backwards,...
Posted by Victor on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:30:00 PST

Recent Events

I just wanted to let you all know that I was recently hospitalized due to my CPK levels being highly elevated.  Apparently, CPK is an enzyme or protein or something that appears in your blood aft...
Posted by Victor on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 11:05:00 PST


This may come as a surprise to some of you, but I don't think I was exactly built to handle life.  At least the way I do handle it is not a very healthy way.  You can go through your life sa...
Posted by Victor on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 04:42:00 PST

11/16/06 6:30pm

Wow!  I still can't believe it.  I mean, one moment you're getting ready to bake your world famous peach cake and the next, your girlfriend pops out of the restroom and tells you you're goin...
Posted by Victor on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 04:31:00 PST

The Greatest Accomplishment

Forget all the other things I have accomplished at my tender age, but just the other day I ran a whole mile non stop!  That's the greatest accomplishment of my life!
Posted by Victor on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 08:29:00 PST

Totally Part 2

On Monday I saw Superman Returns and I totally loved it!  It was a very good movie.  I want to go see it again.  I totally recommend this movie to everyone.  It was just a very coo...
Posted by Victor on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 08:20:00 PST


So I log on to MySpace, obviously, and then I see the log in page all decked out to Superman.  I thought that was so totally cool.  That's it.
Posted by Victor on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 02:59:00 PST

Maximum Frustration

Why can't people write emails?  I mean, I know spell check only takes you so far, but it's kind of frustrating that certain level employees can't type correctly.  I don't know why it irks me...
Posted by Victor on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 09:38:00 PST