Beach, Movies, Connie, Books, Music, Chisme, Friends, Family, Food, Money, Kareoke.
Everyone I fell out of touch with. I would really love (and thats an understatement) to meet Angelina Jolie. I'd like to meet Britney Spears to slap some sense into her. And like Tara said, the Head Monkey (to answer some unanswered questions on my past).
I listen to almost everything. A little bit of everything. From some pop to hip-hop. I mean everything.
LOTR, Interview with the Vampire, The Secret Garden, Grease, Identity, Lizzy McGuire Movie, A Goofy Movie, Lion King, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Gothika, 28 Days Later, Pocahontas, and a lot more.
Everwood, The OC, American Idol.
The Hobbit, LOTR, Vampire Chronicles, The Secret Garden, Tale of Two Cities, Lord of the Flies, The Great Gatsby, anything by Dean Koontz, The Taming of the Shrew, Othello, Macbeth.
My parents for teaching me important values. My brothers for teaching me the importance of tolerance. My baby brother Alex, for being the cutest three year old I have ever known. Connie for giving me ulcers (just kidding baby, I love you!)