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Sean Anthony

sorry has lost it's meaning...

About Me

I moved to Dayton Ohio a few years ago from Los Angeles, CA. I am a musician, I Play for the band Brothers in Arms and have wrote and recorded with Breeding Amies (Those songs can be found on Passing the Virus "cd"). I have lived in various parts of the country, including NV, AZ, UT, NM and a few years out side of the country (Barcelona,Spain). I like Change, for better or worse it lets me know i'm truly living. I love a good adrenaline rush from snowboarding to playing live on stage (nothing better).
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My Interests

Music, Snowboar ding and Traveling.

I'd like to meet:

Unique, Interesting, Open Minded People.


Some of my favorites: Tricky, Massive Attack, NIN, Perfect Circle, Sunny Day Real Estate, Erick Sermon, Wu Tang Clan, Miles Davis, Tori Amos, Danny Elfman and Mozart. It all depends on my mood, I have yet to find a mood that Country fits in. so I don't listen to it.


Too many to name so if it's either Sci Fi, Anime or Kung Fu flicks its a good chance I'll like it.




Atlas, Dictionary...


I don't tell her enough but that would be my MOM for giving and saving my life...