Tattoos, Computers, Learning, Film, Time, Driving, Volkswagen, WRX's, People Watching, Handguns, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Eating, Sleeping, Drinking, 24 Hour Diners, Clothes, Shopping, Traveling, Exploring, Space, Hate, Physics, Flying, Living, Animals, Roller Coasters, Schemes, Architecture, Cigarettes, Coca-Cola Classic, Memories, Fireflies, The Universe, The Yukon Territory, Style, Trees, Sound, Motion.
I'd like to meet Tom. He seems like a cool guy. I would also like to meet someone who can give me a job as a digital cinematographer...or even an editor.View All Friends | View Blog
Anything that sounds like a hell-spawn mixture of the sinew of gluttons and the bones of fornicators. And sappy indie rock.
Good ones. The kind that are good. You know?
Lost, Heroes, Stargate SG-1/Atlantis, How It's Made, Law and Order: Criminal Intent, Entourage, Always Sunny, Human Giant, Arrested Development, Weeds, Freaks & Geeks, anything that's on the Science Channel or the History Channel that ISN'T a repeat.
The Great Gatsby, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, A Separate Peace, Blink.
Season 3 is on now!