Spending quality time with my beautiful girlfriend who I love from the bottom of my heart.Guitar infedelities, fuzz box exploration, Heavy low decibal neighborhood rockin. Driving around in my van trying to bring back the days when metal heads were the ones with the loudest stereos. Infomercials. Non condensed soup. Wrapping things in tortillas and eating them. Sunshine. Rain. Wind. Snow. Hot. Cold. Stock piling musical gear in my room. Playing guitar and bass. Ripping off pawn shops for gear they don't know the value of. Small kitchen electronics. Graphitti. Making money. Mexican food. Lucid dreams about flying, that I have alot. Busting shop lifters. Collecting belt buckles. Gettin all tatted up.
All my good friends who I have lost track of over the years, wherever you may be, and all the good new ones Ill meet in the future.
Stoner Rock!! Metal, Classic Rock and anything involving guitar gymnastics that aren't retarded. Anything inspired by good musicians with good weed. I hate the fucking Beatles. I like it huge whatever it is.
I love movies from the 80s.
Rots your brain, keeps you company if you got nothing else to do.
Decibel Magazine, guitar center catalogues, the ones I write in...The ones I read. The ones I draw in.