In Search For I profile picture

In Search For I

About Me

so... about me huh? well... i suck at writing this, everytime i write one i hate it, so... im gonna hand this space off to a couple close friends of mine and let them give it a whirl:heres janet: jack is probably one of the best people i know, if i needed him he would do all he could do to help, and im 2 hours away.i can only count the times he talked to me about the good and bad in life, helping me get thru the bad and help me appreciate the good.... he understands the value of friendship/relationships and understands that a friend loves at all times, and takes life as it comes... capturing the moments that mean the most, whether in his heart or his camera. his friendship is perhaps the greatest gift youll reciev from him and i cant wait for him to take the pictures a t my wedding....that is if i can afford him =]
and kelsey: I know who Jack is.. You are often hard on yourself or on life. But it has a funny way of turning things around. You gave it that opportunity. There are so many things out there to experience; you are starting to give them the chance to throw the mountain at you so you can climb it. There are so many things out there for you to see, and you have given yourself the opportunity to look harder. You can’t walk through this world hoping the sky will fall and everything will be over. This world is full of wonderful things that you have finally opened your eyes to see. I have witnessed your change over time and watched you fill in piece by piece your color-by-numbers of life. One thing I think you define yourself with is your photography. You have a way of capturing the beauty in this ugly, plain world, A world that we used to shut out together. Your gift has brought you to such great heights. Live like it’s your last day, but fight for tomorrow to come. i love you jack, and you will always be my best friend.
and grace: when i think jack gordon, i am reminded of God's grace. for example: he's not ashamed to broken. he'd chase after his dreams. before i even hit the ground, i remember he's awake, knowing that i need a friend. trust and respect for him go hand in hand. each time i throw a hissy fit, he's already forgiven me. he's kinda some dirty jokes...hahah. he has this way of making me laugh at every stupid thing i do with just this smirk on his face. the most beautiful things in life, no matter how simple, he captures in this picture-perfect preservation that just takes my breathway. he listens to each word i say, as if its my last, and remembers it. because if for some reason i cry about it a month later, he'll know why even when i've forgotten. he's the kinda guy who'll take out your trash when you're tired. his heart is beautiful, so full of life, and joy, and purpose, and most of the time he doesn't see it. he's stubborn and deliberately sarcastic about pretty much everything:) but, i love it. i love jack. lucky for us, he's not a still photograph.
and Natalie: out of all my friends, i feel safest talking with him. Everything I say, I say without regret and reservation because I know he will no judge me. And these things, regardless if they are rational or not are heard out. He offers advice, when no one else can, or even wants to for that matter. Whenever he talks to you, he makes you feel like you are the only one that matters, and that he cares. He doesn't walk in front of you, or behind you. He walks beside you. Jack is modest. A lover, a friend, a listener; he never thinks of himself, only others. His creativity is boundless and has more potential than anyone i know. His loyalty and love for others is something that can never be copied. He is true. He is real. He is a great friend, whom I shall cherish forever. He says he tries. But he really succeeds. He won't admit that he deserves more than this world could ever offer him. But he truly does. He deserves a life full of love and laughter and everything good. I would give my life for him. He amazes me and makes me smile and laugh when no one else can. What I love most about him is that in all he does, he doesn't ever expect anything in return; when he should be getting everything in return. I don't know how to repay him for all he has done for me. I am forever indebted to this awesome human being. You should get to know him. He won't disappoint you. What a friend I have in him. He's one of those friends that makes this life worth living. But, you cannot sum up Jack in these words alone. You must get to know him. Then, you will be truly lucky

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

in no particular order: mikael akerfeldt, justin chancellor, buckethead, les claypool, maynard james keenan, danny carey, adam jones, john entwistle, alexi laiho, brock samson, james hetfield or avril lavigne... people that arent celebs: anyone

My Blog

And so we preservere.

I burn the bridges behind me,Can't tell you the truth so I lie,I'm waving at someone behind you,I filter my eyes when I look at the sky,Time to lose,Tell them everything,I cannot say it right and I wi...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 11:10:00 GMT

it really does help

to call
Posted by on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 22:56:00 GMT

The subtle art of conversation

Fuck. I can't get my brain to communicate properly to my mouth or my hands, or whatever medium I am using to communicate or converse. Goddamn it. Hopefully no irreprable damage will be done by this.
Posted by on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 23:41:00 GMT


Asleep is the rose, in tired innocence... dreaming time away.Secure in the comfort of slumbers faint embrace.Blissfully ignorant, unaware of the imminence...Recurring memories emerge from the deep... ...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 12:30:00 GMT


stolen from janet.people call you and it's not about who you've dated,are dating, or haven't dated at all. It isn't about whoyou've kissed, what sport you play, or which guy orgirl likes you. It's not...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 15:21:00 GMT

Why Im Still Here.

you. yes, you. the person reading this. if you are reading this, you are taking the time to get to know me. taking an interest in my life. we may not talk much. we might talk daily. but you, are the r...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 23:53:00 GMT


And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all. -Poe.
Posted by on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 23:10:00 GMT


I am awaiting the sunriseGazing modestly through the coldest morningOnce it came you liedEmbracing us over autumn's proud treetopsI stand motionlessIn a parade of falling rainYour voice I cannot hearA...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 00:35:00 GMT

an evening epic enough to cap the last epic evening!!

so last night was the lamb of god show... INCREDIBLE night, many thanks to the guys who went with, nate, chris... last night was awesome, hahahah the line was interesting to say the least, many laughs...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 00:59:00 GMT


so, the kataklysm show was on saturday, nate and i headed down to soma around 3:30, it was a pretty good time, lots of little emo core punks, all of em pretty lame, i went to see as blood runs black a...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 19:49:00 GMT