Chris profile picture



About Me

I like the Idea of the snow, if it was as warm as beach sand.

My Interests

Well back home we rock climb and do things like that.. But out here I tend to chase lizards and catch fish with my BARE HANDS !!.... Trying to get a feel of the southern things...

I'd like to meet:

Just peps that can tell me about places. Cause I'll be there soon.


Like rock... Things that make you move you know... Good ol' punk.


Super Troopers and the 40year old virgin... Tonnes of classics


Short history of nearly everything.. Bill Bryson... Good like Jello.. And Cosmos by Arthur c Clark..... Hummm Kinda Geeky but aren't all books??


My Nephews... Cause they make me laugh... those goofy little pests...