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About Me

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My full name is Equinsu-Ocha, mommy and daddy call me Quinsi. If anyone has ever seen the movie Pet Detective, that's where my name comes from. It means White Devil and that I am! I am a 4 year old White Boxer. My mommy and daddy love me so much they gave me my very own myspace page! WOO WOO! I have lots and lots of boxer buddies, at least that's what mommy tells me all the time. I don't remember meeting too many.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All of my mommy's online boxer friends and their babies!

My Blog

I've been tagged

Here are the rules:You have been tagged.  Now you have to tell six odd (or not so odd) facts about yourself and select six of your friends to do the same.  Once you post your six facts ina&n...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 15:02:00 GMT

Woo Woo! Happy Birthdays all around!

Dutch, Fri.. 7/24/06 Jasper 7/27/06 Tysons World 7/27/06 Matthew 7/23/06 ~*Sun &hea.. 7/26/06 Lilli 7/26/06
Posted by on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 20:37:00 GMT