Sh@wndra profile picture


The Happiest I've ever been in Life ...Is when I got my Chocolate CheesecaKe with Dred Toppings

About Me

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

important;}.contactTable .text {font-size:1px !important;}.contactTable .text, .contactTable a, .contactTable img {filter:none !important;}.contactTable .whitetext12 {display:none;} I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

Name Shawndra Washington
Nickname N/a
Location Atlanta
Sex Female
Birthplace South Fulton
Birthday September 23, 1987
Sign Libra
Single or Taken Taken
Righty or Lefty? Right (but I think Left hand people write sooo cute:-)
Height 5'4
Shoe size 5 1/2
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Braces? no
Piercings? 5
Where do you shop? Everywhere
What do you usually wear? I dont know~Depends on my mood that day
What kind of shows do you wear? I think u can may any shoe cute, as long as u know how 2 match it up.
Do your wear make-up everyday? Only to Balls & Proms
How many pairs of shoes do u own? too many
Favorite kind of music? whatever...
Least favorite?
Last CD you bought? A mix
Whats in your CD player right now? A mix
Where is you favorite place to be? Where ever there's Food
Whats your favorite animal? Anything but cats
Favorite food? oooooh:-).....Where do I started!
Favorite day of the year? ~*My Birthday*~
Favorite candy? dont have one
Are you a virgin? Yeah...Like 3years ago
What time do you go to sleep? Sometime after 1am
Do you have any pets? yeah
Do you have any bad habits? Yeah...I eat food just b/c it there, even when Im not Hungry
Can you sing? i guess
Is there anything you regret? I have no regrets in life...just Improvements
Do you think life has been good so far? I can't Complain
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no
Are you/Have you been in love? Yeah....I am in Love w/ (Ck)Corey King(so sexy)
Have you ever talked on the phone all night? yeah
Did you ever have a dream come true? All the time
Do you believe in Santa/Easter bunny? no... I cant say I DO
Do you believe in Love at first sight? nO
Who knows the most about you? Jerlicia & Ck
Are you loud? no
Do you often embarass yourself? @ least once every 2weeks
Do you have out with ppl who embarass themselves or you? ???
Have you ever said 'I Love You' and meant it? yeah
Future Daughters name? Kori
Future Sons name? don't know
Do you have siblings? yeah
Do you consider love a mistake? long as you learn something from it.
What do you find to be romantic?
What do you look for in a girl/guy? A nigga thats real
Best physical feature? smile
Best hair color? dont care
Best eye color? dont care
Best height? 5'9 and up
Best personality feature? Someone who Don't do what everbody is doing~ Do you!
Do you get jealous easily? Not really
Whats a turn-on? kissing
Whats a turn-off? A whole lot of Chest hair:-(
What is the worst thing about the opp. sex? Nigga just don't get It....
Are you shallow? no
*FOR GIRLS* Does the size "below" matter? Shit...I don't know
Would u ever commit yourself 100% to some1? Maybe 98%
Would you ever use someone? I could use alot of people,but its not my style!
Have you ever got cheated on I am sure somewhere down the line I have...I just don't know about it.



Beyonce - Irreplaceable
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