~Lindsey~ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am the kind of girl who would rather dance in the pouring rain, cry in the happiest of moments, and live to the fullest for Christ no matter the cost.I love to be with people, but I also love those solitary moments when I am alone with my thoughts. I am a writer. Some people might not understand me, but the ones that do are my closest friends. :)I have many dreams and hopes for my future and I know that Christ is directing my every step.I love meeting new people, experiencing new things, seeing new places, and laughing over the craziness of life.I miss my friends in North Carolina and I will never forgot the six memory-filled years we had. I know no one could be more blessed to have such understanding and godly friends.My deepest desire is that each of you who visit my page, get to know not only me, but my God. The very one who created you and designed you with a divine purpose.
Love in Christ Lindsey Leanne

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I like to meet people who are strong in their faith in Christ as well as people who have vision for the future. People who have made a positive difference in society and the world around them are people I can look up to and respect.

My Blog


God has been speaking so much into my life in the last week. This is something I feel he spoke not just to me, but to this rising generation of believers who passionately seek after Him."I have called...
Posted by on Fri, 09 May 2008 17:53:00 GMT


The following is an article from Bound 4 Life Cherish -- Marah Fairclough -- January 06, 2005-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------Hi, I'm Cherish.Well, thats...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 12:22:00 GMT

My Future in His Hands

Lately I have been working at giving complete control of my life over to God.  And it's amazing because since then I feel like everything has been falling together for me. Without God o...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 03:06:00 GMT