~A.T.~ profile picture


I keep it real...n try n b there wen i can

About Me

Well where to begin.... For Starters, my name is Andrea Tomic. Most ppl now days reffer to me as A.T. lol seems easier for em :-P Well, I was born in Zenica, ex- Yugo. And raised in Germany. I gotta say europe is def very diff from da U.S. Ive lived in da states for sum years now and LOVE IT! I guess as u can tell. Music is my passion. U kno how sum gurls r addicted to makeup, or clothes. Well me it has to b music. I live it. Its a stress reliever n part of life for me. I love writing my own stuff. Porb have the biggest collection of songs, all diff styles n subject matters. I am not goin to school. Bc music is wat i am prusuing 100%. School will come later 4 me, bein dat i want to set a good example for da family ima have one day. N its always good to learn n grow more as a person. Aside from music ma life is pretty much a bizi one. I have dance, all da time. Another thing i love doing!!!! i go to da gym for training on a daily. bt am not a health freak. I luv me sum chocolate cake!!! n PITA! Right now i am single n lovin it. u kno if da rite guy comes along. Ima take it how it goes. I have been known to go 4 da wrong ones. hehe bt u kno mistakes only make us wiser. I love to read. COOOOOKING is my fav thing ever. Thanx 2 da beautiful mother i have. i can whipp up just bout anything n everythin. My fam is ..1. they r my backbone, n LIFE. hmm wat elese. I can not under any circumstance b around fake ppl. Its just impossible for me to handle. I love life too much, to waste my time. with ppl who dont. I love meeting new ppl. CUZ ppl r da future. Clubbin is fun from time to time. Bt out door activities rock! I hate n i mean hate cocky ppl, who r full of themselves. I mite look like i am. Bt trust me deep dwn all i want is to b respected for da gurl my mama made me :) Now, if ima say all da things dat seem good bout me, I guess Ima mention sum of ma flaws, cuz yes we all got em. I am known to get stubborn on sum things. Like if i think im rite. Unless u can prove me wrong hahah i prob will continue to think wat i do. I have a bad habit of sayin "I kno" aka "znam" even tho i dnt kno wth is goin on hahaha. I tend to b very optimistic, in da worst times. Always tryin to find good in bad. N it tends to annoy ppl. I laugh a lot so ppl think im always tippsy. shit sad now days dat if u live it up n are happy ur considered intoxicated. I am one of those corny traditional kind of gurls. who adores da lil finner things in life, and luv herself a person who can always keep it real. AINT NOTHIN WRONG WIT bein emotional sum times. I guess u can say i am what i am. N das simply put....Surprising

My Interests


Member Since: 2/27/2006
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Influences: Ma sexiii gurl marijana she ma gurl 4 life!

My Answers to Survey : The Most Random:

1 - When was the last time you cried?: hmmm i belive it was last mnth:
2 - Have you ever faked sick?: haha when i was in junior high...didnt feel like goin to school :-P:
3 - What was the last lie you said?: That I had to run to da gym, bt actually went n bought ma mommy sum mothers day presents:
4 - Have you ever cried during a movie?: YESSS hahahah:
5 - Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of?: ooo la la hehe well theres a few...bt i got one boi in mind:
6 - Have you ever danced in the rain?: no cnt say dat i have:
7 - Have you ever been drunk?: yesss lol :-P:
8 - Have you ever tried tried drugs?: No:
9 - Do you smoke?: No, i hate ciggs.:
10 - What's the farthest you've ever gone on a dare?: ummm i dnt even remember:
11 - What is your full name?: Andrea Tomic:
12 - What is your blood-type?: i dont know hahaha:
13 - Have you ever been in a car accident?: yes :(:
14 - How old were you when you recieved your first kiss?: i believe i was 16:
15 - Who was your first kiss?: Starts wit a C heheh cnt say:
16 - Have you ever had an online relationship?: ummm hahah lmao :
17 - Have you ever had phone-sex?: ewww no:
18 - Have you ever been rejected by a crush?: yessss:
19 - What is your favourite sport to play?: well id like to say baketball bt i suck at it! hahaah:
20 - Have you ever made a prank phone call?: yes havent we all:
21 - Have you ever said: .....ok any day now:
22 - What's your favourite childhood memory?: spending time wit lots of family:
23 - Is there anything that you have done that you regret?: well certain things i wish i could un-due. i guess just makin sum bad choices in life:
24 - What do you want to be when you grow up?: Singer aka pevacia:
25 - What is your political persuassion?: ehhh im not sayin ...w.e. floats ur boat how bout dat..u digggg:
26 - Have you ever had cybersex?: ewwww ok pervs!:
27 - Do you believe in g-d?: yes ofcourse:
28 - Do you believe in love at first sight?: yesss cory as it sounds:
29 - Do you believe in karma?: ohh yea:
30 - Who was your first crush?: hmm ohh i belive it was Jordan Richey lol :
31 - Who do yo uhave a crush on?: heheh well if i said it, den it wouldnt b my crush now would it...it b all of ya'lls :
32 - How would you describe yourself?: Very random, u neva kno wat u get. heheh love to laugh, full of life, optimistic, sarcastic, smart, funny :) n mostly loving:
33 - What are you afraid of?: spidders, bt on da real dissapointment:
34 - Are you religious?: yes id like to think so:
35 - What does your screen name mean?: hahah dat im european n used to model heheh:
36 - What person do you trust the most?: Danijel aka medo. aside from ma mommy:
37 - Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?: already asked me dat. Starts wit a C not sayin:
38 - What is the best compliment you have ever recieved?: your beauty is so deep, u cant help bt wanna melt in ur presence. haahh u kno im a fan of lines. bt dis one was just so sweet lol:
39 - What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?: omg that my boobs r fake. wth da only fake thing on ma body is ma hair color. :
40 - What is the longest crush/relationship you have had?: almost 2 yrs:
41 - What is your greatest strength?: Always gettin up when i fall. or when im pushed to ma limit not cracking. instead becoming stronger:
42 - What is your greatest weakness?: trusting n believing in ppl too much:
43 - What is your perfect pizza?: mamasssssss:
44 - What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?: ooo yay gym time heheh:
45 - What is your first thought before you go to bed?: thanx 4 all da amazing blessings in ma life. tmrw another day:
46 - What college do you want to go to?: ummm if music didnt work out. Id want to b a cardiologist. so sum good medical school:
47 - Do you get along with your family?: ohh yeah:
48 - Do you play any instruments?: piano well sort of :-P:
49 - What kind of music do you like?: i love it all. bt hip hop rnb, ma fav obviouslly n our music:
50 - Do you think you're attractive?: well id like to think i got a lil sum sum goin on:
51 - Would you ever get a tattoo?: nah :
52 - How many piercings do you have?: 2 ma ears. haahahah:
53 - Who makes you laugh?: everyone. well sort of. depends. bt mainly sanja shes like ma twin!:
54 - Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours?: oooo das a tough one. well maybe dis cute boi i like hahah jokes. i think sum amazig wise person, who could teach me sum about life dat i have not yet experienced:
55 - Have you ever seen a dead body?: yes :(:
56 - Do you have a celebrity crush?: ehh nah not really:
57 - What is one thing scientists should invent?: hmmmm....a belive in urself machine! to like make ppl stop doupting themseleves, bt instead c how amazing dey really r:
58 - Have you ever broken a bone?: no almost:
59 - What happens after you die?: i dont know. never have. :
60 - Do you watch or read the news?: yes i do...love keepin up to date wit da world today:
61 - What stereotype would you label yourself as being?: hmmmm...sum times i tend to b a bit of a hypacrit. bt id say just i used to be a stereotype, i dnt think i am one now:
62 - Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label?: yes id think dey would:
63 - If yo ucould change your name, what would you change it to?: wouldnt my mama gave me what she did n i love it:
64 - If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go: when i was a lil baby. i was so carfree, and had no worries:
65 - If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: ummm to b less self critical n more risk taking:
66 - Have you ever gone skinny dipping?: no heheh:
67 - Have you ever played strip poker?: :
68 - Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves?: u know. id like to say no. i know a lie is a lie, bt we've all done it at one point or another. and in this circumstance. i think it sort of b ok.:
69 - What do you want your friends to think about you?: goshhh tough, each one thinks diff. bt dat im hardworking n funny at times. very random 4 sure:
70 - Whats the biggest argument you've ever gotten into?: a long family one:
71 - HAve you ever bitten someone?: whatttttt no im not an animal hahaha:
72 - When's your birthday?: jan 19, 88:
73 - Have you ever stolen anything?: no:
74 - Do you make wishes on shooting stars?: when i was a lil gurl i did...:
75 - Whats the most you've ever eaten in one sitting?: omg dont ask hahaahahah too much to count:
76 - If you could go back and change one day, what would it be?: id bring my cousin sandro back. n have him here wit us today :(:
77 - Do you remember your dreams?: yes i do some of them more den others:
78 - Have you ever been in love?: i thought i was. bt u know im not sure:
79 - Are you a morning person or a night person?: def a night person:
80 - Do you have any phobias?: ummmm....let me think. i believe im scared of fires. always worried ma hair will catch on fire ahahaha:
81 - What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone?: pre judged them. im so happy ive become a diff person wit years. judging ppl before u know them is pathetic. and im glad i dont do it no more:
82 - Have you ever been to the hospital (other then birth?: yesss:
83 - How many screen names do you have?: 2:
84 - Do any medical problems run in your family?: ummm not dat i kno of:
85 - Have anyone ever been disowned from your family?: no:
86 - Have you ever had a nightmare?: ohh yeah..r u kiddin me after every scary movie ahahah:
87 - Do you say meaner things to your friends or your enemies?: neither. i dnt like sayin mean stuff. it wont get me anyhere. n will just put me on their level. pointless:
88 - Would you ever participate in a threesome?: hahahahaahahahah:
89 - Would you ever pay for a prostititue?: omg NOOOO:
90 - Have you ever mooned or flashed someone?: hahahah.....no:
91 - Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf?: no:
92 - Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants?: hahah i dnt think so:
93 - Have you ever written a love letter?: yes tons of em especially as a kid:
94 - Have you ever attempted suicide?: no:
95 - Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: neither:
96 - Have you ever been in a fistfight?: hahh i tried to put in a fight bt it wasnt a fair one. it was guys:
97 - Do you have any hidden talents?: ummmm makin ppl smile when theyre down shhh keep it on da low:
98 - What is one thing you want me to know about you?: that either u like me, or u wont. ur choice!:
99 - What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask?: not sure. i like all questions:
100 - Do you usually prefer books or movies?: both in diff ways:
101 - Who is your favourite person to talk to?: my mom:
102 - Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad?: my mom n medo:
103 - Would you ever have sex before marriage?: u kno i havent yet. i think love can do carzy things to u. but i dont know yet...as of now. its a no. bt u never know:
104 - Who do you talk to most on the phone?: hmmmm oooo rite now its a tie between medo n sanja:
105 - Do you have a secret that yo'ure ashamed of?: yes:
106 - Do you prefer british or american spelling of words?: ummm w.e. makes ppl understand it hahaha:
107 - Have you ever gotten detention?: no:
108 - How do you vent your anger?: i work out, or dance. write songs at times. bt i dnt really get angry. more so sad:
109 - Have you ever been on a diet?: yes:
110 - Would you ever date someone younger than you? Older than you?: yea why not:
111 - Is your best friend a virgin?: hahahaha well one of em:
112 - What's a rumor someone has spread about you?: that i got a boob job....yea ok badi w.e.:
113 - What's the kinkiest thing you could ever actually see yourself as doing?: hahahahah if u could only read ma mind:
114 - What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you?: ohhh lots of things:
115 - What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?: just went all out to prove i am a good friend:
116 - Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness?: no:
117 - Have you ever cut yourself on purpose?: no:
118 - Have you ever wanted to murder someone?: noooo boze no:
119 - Have you ever hated someone?: no hate too stong to feel :
120 - Do you prefer talking on the phone or online?: ehhh neither. bt i do it:
121 - Do you consider yourself popular?: i hate dat word. i consider myself "normal" how u like dat:
122 - Would you ever tell the person you have a crush on that you like them?: yes...if u dont take tha chance dey mite pass u by:
123 - Have you ever had a crush on an enemy?: sort of:
124 - Have you ever had a crush on a best friend?: yea:
125 - What is your favourite book?: oooo too many:
126 - Do you have a collection of anything?: yea lots of things:
127 - Are you happy with the person you are becoming?: i am becoming a replica of my mama so yes!:
128 - Are you a different person now then you were 5 years ago?: omg yes yes yes. so diff:
129 - What do you see yourself as being in 5 years from now?: just in a happy place. doing all the things in life i want. n tryin to make more ppl smile:
130 - Are you happy with the life you have?: more den happy. i am trully one belssed gurl! kissss:
Myspace Surveys provided by QuizCat.com - Visit for more surveys, quizzes, tests and trivias...My Mama: My Tata aka Daddy: Ma sis n I: me ma cuzin, n sister
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My Blog

Believing/ Judging

Believing U kno its funny, u hear ppl always say u have to belive in something for it to come true. And some people spend their whole life believing and yet nothing happens. Me personally, i used to ...
Posted by ~A.T.~ on Sat, 19 May 2007 11:35:00 PST

Irony of love

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