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WheN LoSs SadDeNs OuR LiFe

iS ThEre AnytHinG mOrE PainFul ThaN ThE DeatH Of A lOved One??? WheN SuCh LosS OcCurS, We FeEl The WoRlD should sToP TuRniNg; aLL LifE ShoUlD FrEezE iN iTs tRackS, jUsT as TiMe SeEms to hAvE StoPpEd f...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Aug 2004 07:43:00 GMT


iAm Torn bY aNxiEtY iN aLL My walKing HouRs...iAm LosT wiThout HiM..IaM SoULleSs,A dRifTer WitHouT a hOmE,A SoLitaRy BiRd In A FliGht To NoWhErE...IaM ALL ThEse ThIngS,& IaM NoThing aT all... I Hav...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Aug 2004 07:54:00 GMT