I have intrest in almost everything but everything real koo!
Uhhhh, anybody new i guess, i like to meet knew people. Its alot of fun?
Blue Fox
-You are a born leader who cannot resist a
challenge. You are driven to excel and a
perfectionist. You consider yourself as the
king of all animologies and have a lot of
-Soulmate: Yellow Trout
-In conflict with: Green Puppy
Animology Test
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I love all music RnB,HipHop,country,rock,I love it all!!!!!!
what dark magic would you have? (pictures in results & now boy results included at the bottem of the girls results)
you have the power over fire.you like not only torturing your victims by burning but you also like destroying everything and anything else thats in your or its wayBOYZ! you have the same reason as the girls do it makes you happy to consume everything and anything in flames. you love the heat and the power and you love when your victims try to flee its all the more exciting to chase them and try to find them. you always find them so you let them run as much as you want unless you have another victim scheduled to die that day.
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I just like what comes out at that time.
Whatever's one is good right den and der.luigi talks crap to mario
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Well, for wat its worth.......i had another dream last night. This one was different. Actually u dont have to read this. Anyway, I finally got u talk to me, just u and me, and u kept telling me to back off. All we did was argue. Then, coach Smitty came up and starting walking us somewere. I guess, to get me to stop yelling, u told me u were pregnat with one of ur cousins freinds baby. I was stunned was a second then said" Thats wat u get for being a wgore! U know, i dreamt this would happen." U looked down, shocked also. Then coach hit me and said "knock it off!"We finally got to the building. Turns out u were flying to some weird place called Cosco.....i think. Well, i started to cry and confese that i stilled loved u, no matter how bad u treated, or how bad my friends talked about u. Ur face got twisted as if u were about to cry. U turned away realy fast into a room. All i could do was cry, while i kneeled on my knees. U came back out, u were crying this time, and said, "All my boyfriends wanted something to remember me by, i hope this will give some relief." U tossed me some kinda make up thing. Weird, not only that but for some odd reasoon when u came out of the room ur head was shaved and u were blue. Like ur whole body, but i guess in the dream it didnt matter. Anyway, u went back into the room, and was still kneeling, crying, and a little dazed out. Then coach came up to me and said"u realy do love her, huh?" I answered"yeah......" He told a way to get on the plane before it launched. I got on but i couldnt find u. Then, right when i was about to give up, there u were, checking ur make up with the window. I was so relieved i went and sat down next to u. U were stunned to see me. Before u could say anything, i said." Robin, i know weve had some pretty bad times, and u have been trying to forget me, believe ive been trying to. But, no matter how much i try, i cant. U changed my life, and i cant live without u, I love u Robin." U didnt say anything. U just smiled at me, and i smiled back, then we and the other passengers started partying. Hehe, weird, huh? Well, i guess i wanted to tell u cuz summers almost over and i dont know the next time me and u will realy get to talk. And, no......i couldnt tell u in person. Y? Cuz i would probaly break out crying. I realy miss u Robin..........
Its all about the MANGAS yo!!!!!!!!!!!)
What kind of jewel are you?
Your beauty is both breathtaking and stunning. Your friends could see you everyday and still be enchanted.
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Heros? Tsh, im hero, and u think thats queer, ill my hero beat ur ass!