Your Sweetest Sin profile picture

Your Sweetest Sin

im sweet and loveable... but i can be very bad sometimes....

About Me

Hello everyone! my name is sara Harris and im 24 years old. i am half black and white, but you wouldnt even kno it by looking at me. i wear glasses but most of the time i wear contacts. I was born in San Diego california, and i am also hard of hearing. i wear a hearing aid in my left ear and im completly deaf in my right. i can hear sometimes without my hearing aid but not much. i am able to read lips but it depends on the person who is talkin to me. some people get on my nerves because they speak very slowly like its gonna help me understand them better. it pretty much ticks me off when they do that. im a very friendly person and i love meeting people. if i dont kno a person, however, sometimes i tend to be shy at first, but after a while im pretty much fine. since i cant hear, i naturally observe people and try to read them before i actually make a reaction with them. about 8 to 9 years ago i moved to virginia beach because my stepdad got relocated. my stepdad isnt really my "step" dad to me. hes really cool and i really love him to death. hes been there for me ever since i was in 2nd grade and he was there when my real father wasnt. i do miss my real father tho. im tall like he is and i have a high ass. i get that from him. i also get another thing from him but im not going to mention that. thats something youll find out once you get to kno me. lol. its not bad but i do hate it sometimes tho. my real father has no contact with me and i hate it. its like he dont even care that he has two other kids in his lifetime but whatever. thats his lost. if he doesnt want to kno me then i should care either, but the problem is that i do. my mother, well, im a exact image of her, except im thicker than she is. she is a police offier for the navy... something she has always and wanted to do. my brothers, will, is 22 and me and him have an apt together. hes my heart and i love him to death. without him i wouldnt kno how to live. hes younger than me but hes sure acts older. plus hes tall as hell. all the gurls always want him. then theres joshua. hes really smart and funny. he looks like me when i was younger. hes a big boy too. he could be a sumo wrestler or just a wrestler. then last but not least, my baby brother, noah. hes really funny too and he has his own way. most def. true dat. he looks exactly like will. im not kidding. he has a mass of curls in an afro and he looks sooo cute. you just want to eat him up! and there you have it, the bollenbacher family. well... except for me and will that is. i also have my tounge peirced. i love it too. i have had it for about two years now so its pretty cool. my moms had a real problem with it for a while but now shes used to it. um... what else can i say about me? well, my best friend is CHANTEL SEAL and we have been through so much shit together. she knos that i love her and i always will. i work at the navy commissary and sometimes i really hate it there. i get so bored sometimes that i just wanna leave. you ever get one of those days where youre just like well fuck it? thats how it is there. lol. another little fact about me... when i lived in california, i went to James Madison High and i started the first deaf newspaper with my then best friend HEATHER SWELLENBACH. we did so good. we wanted to do something for the deaf community in the school because they never seemed to include us. i was also on the school newspaper there after they heard about my deaf newswpaper. once i got on that staff, i loved it. i could include my deaf peers and they wouldnt feel so left out. it was the greatest feeling of my life when i did something that i was proud of. to this day, im still proud of that and i do miss it sometimes. i really doubt that they continued my work after i left for virginia beach. but anyways, once you get to kno me, you can see that im a very loving and fun person to hang out with. i love making my friends laugh and i love just being silly. i get really serious tho sometimes and theres alot i cant stand, but other wise, i can get pretty wild if the mood is right. whoo... alot right? lol
Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

What's Your Flirt Style?

MY RESULT: Touchy Feely

When you see something you like, you’re not afraid to reach out and grab it. Literally.
Being touchy-feely is by far the most effective means of letting someone know you’re interested. Well, interested in fondling them, at least. If you want to let them know that you like them in a deeper way, we recommend trying something a little more subtle...which would be, oh, just about anything. Maybe you should offer them half of your sandwich or something.

Take This Quiz!

"relationship tips" by: wwefan827
1. Do you have someone special? Yes i do
2. whats his/her name? David, davy, my boo
3. who is your best friend? Chantel Seal
4. How long is your current relationship? longest? so far about ten months now
5. what is your ideal date? going to the beach at nite and walking under the stars
6. what is the sweetest thing you have done for your partner? brought him clothes or made a big gift basket for his birthday
7. whats the most romantic thing your partner has done for you? um... nothing really.
8. Are you happy with your relationship? there are some good days and some bad days but for the most part, yeah.
9. Describe your partner in one word? sexy as hell!
10. Are you in love? um... i cant really say yet but i most def love him to death
11. kisses/hugs? barely ever
12. cuddling/roughness? oh hell yeah. both.
13. last date you've been on? my birthday- 12/20
14. do you have a nickname for your partner? no not really.
15. what is the most you have done with your partner... dont lie. have some really good sex
16. what is your favorite feature about your partner? oh god, his body. it drives me wild
17. why are you attracted to your partner? because theres something about his gentleness toward me.
18. what is the best thing you have in common with your partner? that we like sex
19. are you anxious to see what your partner has to say? um.... no not really
20. do you think your partner will send this back to you? no... he dont have a myspace. Take this custom survey!
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Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m

My Interests

Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
okay this may seem a little nuts, but i do like to go out and have fun, but i dont like to go to the clubs that much anymore. every time i go, its wack. theres not enough people or its just bad taste of music or something. i really love watching movies and going to the movie theaters and just get away from the state that we call home. im really into scrapbooking tho. i love taking pictures of everyone and putting it into my big ass book that i have. i havent really been taking pictures in a while but ima tend to that soon. i love alot of other stuff too but im not sure if that exactly somethin to put for all to see. mmmm... what other things am i interested in... well lets see... my headline is ur sweetest sin so i guess that means im sweet, but hey, i can be sinful too. lol. i love sex. but then again who doesnt? i love doin it, i love talkin about it with my friends, and i love watching it. so i guess that leaves little to the mind right? lol

I'd like to meet:

I cant really say who i would like to meet. i guess if it was anyone famous, ill probably be really estatic. i really think that nelly is fine. ohh god. and neyo, i love his lips... he be nice to meet. umm... who else..... bowow, hes a fine actor and hes fine too. tyrese... ohh... enough said. there are a few white actors i would like to meet too, but i cant remmy who they all are. but i would like to not meet, but get in contact with all my friends from california. Thats my main goal. You can never have too many friends and you cant meet enough people. Yeah i guess you can say that people change over the years, but it would still be nice to see those changes, ya kno what i mean? but it would be nice to get some more guys friend on here too, ya heard? who ever you are, id like to be friends with you anyways. AND LASTLY MOST OF ALL I WOULD LIKE TO MEET YOU AND GET TO KNO YOU!!!..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Sara Marie Harris
Birthday:: Dec. 20, 1982
Birthplace:: San Diego, California
Eye Color:: light brown
Hair Color:: light brown
Height:: 5'10-11
Weight:: im not sayin- im not too big but im not small either
Right handed or Left handed?: lefty but i can do quite alot with my right
Your Heritage:: im half black and white among other things
My Worst Habit:: biting my nails when i want them to grow
Zodiac Sign:: sag.
Shoe Size:: heh, 12 to 13 in women and 11 and half in men
Pants Size:: i have no idea. i wear whatever fits and looks good and comfty
Innie or Outie?: innie
Parents Still Together?: my real parents- nope, the mom with the step dad? nope
The Shoes You Wore Today:: my green and white shoes
Your Weakness:: sex
Your Fears:: being broke and alone
Your Perfect Pizza:: with ham and pinapple, a cali fave
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: to lose weight
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: lol and one
Thoughts First Waking Up:: aww shit i gotta get up and go to work
Your Best Physical Feature:: mm...i guess my ass
Your Bedtime:: never kno these days
Your Most Missed Memory:: being in california with my deaf friends
Favorite color?: blue. any kind of blue.
Food?: chinese
Sport?: eh... swiming?
Animal?: dogs and cats
Ice Cream?: vanillia
Candy?: something not chocolate
Store?: the mall
Salad Dressing?: catilina or ranch
Actor?: angie jolie, linsey lohan, etc.
Song?: please dont go
Letter?: S, i guess.
Number?: right now, 24
Gum?: ew.. dont like gum.
Holiday?: my birthday and christmas
Season?: mmmm... i dont kno
Toothpaste Flavor?: mint
Radio Station?: 104.5
Perfume?: what ever smells great
Scent besides perfume?: body spray
Body part on the opposite sex?: hehe... trick question... but what is the head?
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: a person who has her bills paid, thats what.
How Do You Want To Die?: i dont, but i guess if i had to choose, with the one that i love the most
Turn ons:: men who are funny and caring and very understandin of me
Turn offs:: someone who doesnt like the whole me
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: me and chantel can be very much alike and different at the same time
Who's The Loudest?: i can be pretty loud cus i cant hear
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: mmmm... i dont kno. theres alot of people who make me laugh the same.
Who Have You Known The Longest?: i have known ashley wise longer than chantel but they are both the ones i have known for a long time
Who's The Shyist?: mm... i guess me. sometimes i can be shy
When Have You Cried The Most?: when my man was making me upset.
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: being happy and knowing that you have money.
Worst Feeling?: knowing that ur broke and you aint got a car
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: im pretty content where i am now, so i dont kno if i would move.
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: my body
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: i hope til im a hundred
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's look at the: babies
What a nice: dog
Where did all the: weed go
Why can't we: have good sex?
Silly, little: boy
Isn't it weird that: some men dont like gurls who love sex?
Never under any circumstance: sleep with ur best friend
I wish: i could be rich and own a house
Everyone has a: softer side
I am: a very open and sexual person
Been In Love?: yes
Been To Juvie?: hell motherfuckin no!
Mooned Someone?: mm... i dont think so
Been Rejected?: yea, who hasnt?
Ran Away From Home?: no.. almost when i was little
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: yea
Skipped School?: yea
Thought About Suicide?: hell no
Slept Outside?: yeah, its called campin
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: yeah...among other things... lol
Cried In School?: mmm... i dont kno. i cant remmy that.
Thrown Up In School?: oh yeah, when i was little
Wanted To Be a Model?: yeah when i was little
Cheated On Someone?: mmmm... ima leave that one alone
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: yeah except i dont kno what it is
Seen A Dead Body?: hell no and hope i wont have too
Been Bitched Out?: yeah. lol. who hasnt?
Drank Alcohol?: yep... when i can
Smoked?: yep everyday
Been On Drugs?: yep most of the week. lol
Eaten Sushi?: yeah
Been On Stage?: yeah
Gone Skinny Dipping?: no, but maybe i should try to
Shoplifted?: when i was little
Been Drunk?: very rarely but yea
Been Called A Tease?: sometimes
Been Beaten Up?: no
Swear?: hell yea
Sing Well?: no
Shower Daily?: yes
Want To Go To College?: been there, done that.
Want To Get Married?: yea
Believe In Yourself?: yea, sometimes.
Get Motion Sickness?: nah
Think You Are Attractive?: sometimes. i think im cute.
Get Along With Your Parents?: yea
Like Thunderstorms?: no
Play An Instrument?: used to
Own An IPOD?: no, want to
Pray?: sometimes, should do it more often tho
Go To Church?: mmm... no... but maybe i should but im just not comfty
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: yeah when im feeling really down
Keep A Journal/Diary?: i used to when i was in junior high school
Dance In The Rain?: man, that would feel soo good right now
Sing In The Shower?: i used to do that but grew out of it
Pepsi or Coke?: both
McDonald's or Burger King?: mickey ds is better sometimes
Single or Group Dates?: mmm... both
Chocolate or Vanilla?: vanillia
Strawberries or Blueberries?: eww... neither
Meat or Veggies?: mm... dont really like the meat or the veggies much
TV or Movie?: both
Guitar or Drums?: drums... they are hott
Adidas or Nike?: doesnt matter
Chinese or Mexican?: chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: neither
Cake or Pie?: both
MTV or VH1?: mtv
Blind or Deaf?: heh... i am deaf
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
Do The Splits?: hell no
Write With Both Hands?: too hard
Whistle?: yeah
Blow A Bubble?: yea
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: yeah
Cross Your Eyes?: yea. sometimes it scares people how i do it
Walk With Your Toes Curled?:
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: can try but dont work
Dance?: people tell me i dance good when i dont think i do
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: sometimes
You Touched:: David, my man
You Talked To On The Phone:: my mom
You Instant Messaged:: chantel
You Hugged:: my brothers
You Yelled At:: my dog
You Played A Sport With:: eh, i dont
Time You Laughed?: today
Time You Cried?: yesterday
Movie You Watched?: bait
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: ew.. i dont
Joke You Told?: maybe yesterday
Song You've Sung?: i dont remmy
Where Are You?: in my old room in my moms house on the computer
What Can You See Out Your Window?: my little brothers playing with their friends
Are You Listening To Music?: no, its quiet and hott
What Are You Wearing?: my work shorts and white shirt
What's On Your Mousepad?: a navy thingy
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: yea. if god made us, why not others too?
Do you believe in miracles?: yeah, i hope for one everyday
Magic?: yea
Love at first sight?: yea
God?: yea
Satan?: mmm... i think there is but im not going to test on it
Ghosts?: there might be
Santa?: maybe along time ago
Evolution?: ish.. i dont kno what to say about that one.
Fav Eye Color:: brown, blue, green.
Fav Hair Color:: blond, brown, black
Short or Long Hair:: both are good, but it depends on who
Height:: taller than me or about the same height
Weight:: it dont matta
Best Clothing Style:: what makes you comfty
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: japan... just to see what its like
Number Of CD's I Own:: way too many and i need more
Your Good Luck Charm:: i dont really kno if i have one. mmm thats a thought
How many pillows do you sleep with?: at least 3
Do you drink milk?: ew no, only have it with ceral but i dont drink that either
Person You Hate Most:: theres alot of peeps i dis like but hate? no
Most Outdated Phrase:: oh jeez
Do you think God has a gender?: yeah i always thought he was a man
Where do you think we go when we die?: the best place for us?
How many rings until you answer the phone?: at least 3 if i dont hear or feel it vibe
What is something scientists need to invent?: easier technology for working with deaf
Are you a health freak?: no
Are you a virgin?: heh. thats funny
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: to the moon
What is the worst weather?: the heat and rain sometimes
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: yeah i did alot.
How many grades have you failed?: i havent. i was held back in3 grade cus of my hearing
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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

What's Your Kissing Style?

MY RESULT: Naughty Kisser

Not the sorts of kisses you want to greet your grandma with on Thanksgiving.

Kisses for you are merely a road stop on the way to grander places (and we don’t mean Shreveport, Louisiana). You kiss with enthusiasm (and tongue), and you’re not too concerned if anyone else catches you in the act. Hey, everyone loves an audience, right?

While you’ve definitely got your own style going on, don’t be afraid to slow down a little. It’ll earn you respect, and believe it or not, it makes things a whole lot more fun.

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i like any type of music as long as it sounds good. im really into hiphop and r and b and i like tencho and anything that allows me to dance and have fun
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m


most of the time i will watch a movie as long as its funny or drama or anything chickflick. i dont watch any thillers for real unless it seems to look interesting

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

How Hot Are You?

MY RESULT: Uncomfortably Hot

90 degrees and humid. Um, in a sexy way.

Hanging out with you is like spending a day at the beach – it’s fun, exciting and inviting, and there’s bound to be some good views. Plus, you’re a crowd favorite – there’s a ton of people who like you and want to be with you. (If you haven’t found all those people yet, be patient – they’re out there.)

Keep it up! With your great attitude and total hotness, you’re bound to keep ‘em coming back.

Take This Quiz!


i really dont watch tv that much anymore. why? i got my cable turned off a long, long time ago and i just got used to watching movies all the time. i hate watchin the same shit all over again so im always buyin new shit all the time, dont get me wrong tho, if i dont have nothing to watch, i will replay that shit over and over.
[Marital Status] currently have a boyfriend.
[Shoe size] heh, too big, 13 in women and 11 in mens
[Parents still together] yeah, after much delay
[Siblings] 3 little bros. will, josh, and noah
[Pets] 2 cats
[Color] blue
[Number] 20, 12
[Animal] cats and dogs
[Drinks] beer and anything like it
[Soda] coke or pepsi
[Color your hair?] no
[Have tattoos?] no but ima work on that
[Have Piercings?] yeah 3
[Cheat on tests/homework?] no
[Drink/Smoke?] yep and yep
[Like roller coasters?] hell no
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] sometimes but not really
[Want more piercings?] mmm maybe
[Like cleaning?] sometimes
[Write in cursive or print?] both
[Own a web cam?] no
[Know how to drive?] uh yeah i wud hope so
[Own a cell phone?] yea about 3
[Ever get off the damn computer?] no cant ever get me off. ill whine
[Been in a fist fight?] no
[Considered a life of crime?] no
[Lied to someone?] who doesnt?
[Been in love?] yeah
[Made out with JUST a friend?] mmm... not that i kno of
[Been in lust?] yep
[Used someone] no but i bet they tried to use me
[Been used?] probably wouldnt doubt it
[Been cheated on?] yea
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] no, just grabbed
[Stolen anything?] who hasnt?
[Held a gun] hell to tha nah!
[Current clothing] my work clothes
[Current mood] horny
[Current taste] nothin
[What you currently smell like] man i smell some good food!
[Current hair] pulled back in a pony tail
[Current thing I ought to be doing] fuckin
[Current cd in stereo] none
[Last book you read] a romance novel
[Last movie you saw] big business
[Last thing you ate] a mcchicken
[Last person you talked to on the phone] my dad
[Do drugs?] two nites ago
[Believe there is life on other planets?] yea if god made us why not others?
Remember your first love?] yea
[Still love him/her?] no not really
[Read the newspaper?] sometimes
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] yea tons.
[Believe in miracles?] yea, hope mine comes soon.
[Do well in school?] i did well in school
[Wear hats] ew no
[Hate yourself?] no i dont but there are some days where i feel like stabbing myself.
[Have an obsession?] wouldnt you like to kno
[Collect anything?] um... uh.... yeah but only my close friends kno what it is
[Have a best friend?] yea
[Close friends?] yea
[Like your handwriting?] sometimes.
[Care about looks] i care about my looks but im okay with it.
[First crush] a boy named johnathan
[First kiss] a boy named freddy
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] yea
[Do you believe in "the one?"] yea
[Are you a tease?] some people say i am but i dunno
[Too shy to make the first move?] eh, it depends on the guy
[Daydreamer] no
[Bitch/Asshole] i can be a bitch if you tick me off enough
[sarcastic] yeah, like everyday
[Angel] heh, im one when i want to be
[Devil] no im not like that, but my ex says im mean
[Shy] im not really shy just otherwise.
[Talkative] sometimes you cant shut me up


most of the time i do read romantic books but i read alot of magazines. thats a habit that i have got to stop

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

What's Your Sin?


You’ve got a lust for life. And pretty much everything else.

You have a one-track mind – and it’s headed straight to places we don’t care to discuss in mixed company. Don’t get us wrong. A little bit of lust is okay, but sometimes you take it a little too far. (How do we know? We can read your mind. We have ways.) Save yourself from a life of lust – read a book (not a dirty one), get some fresh air and take it one day at a time.

Take This Quiz!


I guess i could say that i have a few heros. #1: my mom, if it wasnt for her, i wud not be here to experience all the things that i have for my 23 years on earth ;2: my little brother will, he takes care of me and hes there for me when im upset and when i need money or such. i love him to death. if it wasnt for him, i wudnt know what to do with myself. ;3: my best friend chantel, shes there for me when i need her the most and when im depresssed or upset over stupid bullshit and shes been there when my relationships were shitty and when i was hurting. shes there for me and im there for her more that she knows or thinks.;4,my ex-boyfriend,who is still my heart and my baby, walter for loving me and accepting me for the person that i am and he doesnt care when i do the stupid shit that i do. hes been my rock in tough times and then some. im really sorry that things didnt work out with us after being together for 3 years. i really hope things in the future really will work out and i guess if you and i are meant to be,it will be. im not going to stress it or worry. i love you, now and forever. walter is one of my closest friends who really understand me so im going to say that anyways. last but not least, my boyfriend, david who i really love and care for. hes been there to listen and to guide me. hes gets on my case sometimes but i kno thats his way of caring about me. when im not with him i miss him so much. when we are mad at each other, i cant stand it. hes my baby boo and i hope he really does love me for me and he wont ever forget that. he knos how much i love him tho. david thanks for lovin me and giving me the chance to love you. without you, i would be sad and lost.
Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

Which Sexy Are You?

MY RESULT: Naughty Sexy

Hey, there’s nothing sexier than being a sex-crazed beast. Any hotties on your radar better lock their doors at night, or you’ll be on ‘em like a Rotweiller on a milkbone.
We’ll give you this: you’re direct. Others may go for romance, but you figure, what’s the point? Might as well cut out the middle man and go straight for the prize. And you’ve got a point. Knowing what you want – and getting it – is pretty darn hot. It wouldn’t be the end of the world, though, if you threw a little romance into your routine. You know, wrap yourself in a cloud of mystery. Or at least wrap yourself in a bathrobe. Yikes!

Take This Quiz!

Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m

My Blog


ok, sometimes i really dont get men. exspecially my boyfriend. i really do love him to death. i mean right now, hes my world and i couldnt not have him in my world. sometimes he just makes me soo mad....
Posted by Your Sweetest Sin on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 03:35:00 PST


Posted by Your Sweetest Sin on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 09:22:00 PST

getting some.....

 you thought i wanted some didnt you? ha, more friends that is. but it sure would be nice to get some too cus i sure the hell dont get enough.... anyways.. lol... hey yall, this is me just lettin...
Posted by Your Sweetest Sin on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 03:45:00 PST


ok, im just going to get on with this. I make friends pretty easy. i dont have a problem making friends and hanging out with people who have the same common interest as i do. Now theres someone who sh...
Posted by Your Sweetest Sin on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 07:25:00 PST


I have been feeling like crap lately and it seems like no one cares. my best friend moved to new york with her man cus shes about to have a baby and all that good stuf. it leaves me feeling lonely cus...
Posted by Your Sweetest Sin on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 04:17:00 PST

well here we go!

what can i say? i have been all over the place trying to figure it out. i quit my job at pride to get a another job with a better pay ( waiting  for that first big check) i was supposed to get my...
Posted by Your Sweetest Sin on Tue, 09 May 2006 04:25:00 PST

There are days i wanna pucnh someone

I have had one hell of a month and a week.  I wish there were peeps who werent such assholes and was so far up their asses to see the problem. I get into more verbal fights than i do anything els...
Posted by Your Sweetest Sin on Fri, 05 May 2006 03:58:00 PST

im totally bored

well, hello to all of my friends and peeps who wanna get to know me! Today has been one hell of a day. I spend my morning lying in bed bored as a motherfucker. So i decided that i would...
Posted by Your Sweetest Sin on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 01:53:00 PST

what you see is pretty much what you get

today has been one hell of a day.... today i went to work and made about no money! later after working and getting no break, my boss decides out of the blue, an hour before i was to get off, to put m...
Posted by Your Sweetest Sin on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 07:32:00 PST