This where I sing the wonders of me, yeah? Right, okay. I'm an alleged pretty boi who spends his spare time fire breathing/spinning, angle grinding for various bands, stilt walking and promoting Goth gigs. I'm training in hypnotherapy, Hypno-Genetic-Evolution and Neuro-Linguistic-Programming with a view to being a therapist, consultant and trainer, and making peoples lives generally better.
Me at the Whitby Halloween beach Party I am ashamed to say I did NOT invent this game :(
Novus and me supporting the Birthday Masscacre (I think)
I dabble in a few different spiritualities. Began out with Satanism, then animal regression (or lycanthropy, pick your descrpition). Now I'm an occasional Chaos Magician and learning a bit of Huna through my NLP/HGE training
Now living in Nottingham, and loving the place.
My philosophy is that the body needs fun for the spirit to function, and the mind needs filling to act as a go between the two. I believe that our goal as a life form is to evolve until some future life form reaches omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence, thereby reproducing the ultimate being. Some think of this being as God, I like to think of it as the universe, but a universe that is sentient and alive in all dimensions, not just the ones we comprehend. Ask me if you want to know more, I can talk about this forever
Five rules for life:-
1) Whatever you do make sure you NEVER GET CAUGHT
2) ENJOY YOURSELF, We're not here for long enough to mope
3) It don't matter if you're a good dancer or not, just get up and boogie
4) Be confident, you're gorgeous, whoever you are
5) Be thankful for what you've got, most of the world lives a lot worse life than you do
Five rules for a hangover:-
1) Drinking again does NOT stop a hangover, merely postpones it, and when it does turn up... it brings friends
2) Drink as much water as possible...then vomit. It should get rid of the sicky feeling
3) Keep your head as still as possible
4) Stay cool
5) As bad as it makes you feel, eat something, preferably something greasy, it will make the hangover shorter (also dyalite rehydration powder is great)