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mUsic, mOv!es, txt!ng,
pOoH itEmS, tHe cOLor bLue,
aDveNtUre!, etc.. (",)(,")
you!! ",
rNb, hiphop, aLtErNaTiVe,
acOuStic, rOck, aNythn'
bzTa fEeL ko.. ",,"
LegALLy bLOndE,
2Fast, 2FuriOus,
tHe riNg, thEy,
inNer seNsEs, sWat,
50 First Dates, fiNdiNg nEmO,
aNd mAny mOre..
mTv, mYx,
fEaR faCtOr,
& mAny mOrE..
i hate books! hehe..
(,") GOD.. (",)
mAh bAby!! ",