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Malchick loves devotchka

About Me

I like clouds. No actually I love clouds, making weather forecasts is a favourite past time which hopefully will develop into a career oh yeah! I like fancy dress. No I love fancy dress spesh dressing up as something that no-one knows what it is. I like my friends. No, i still like my friends (joking lovelychums) spesh calling them insulting names, drinking with them, dancing with them, dressing up with them and playing crappily named travel games with them (the band game, the humming game, there's your boyfriend..) I am in infatuated with facts. Give me a fact that is completely useless and I will be your best friend forever whether you like it or notBtw If some one could tell me the colour of my hair i would really appreciate it because so far no one has managed to do so...

My Interests

Speaking backwards, talking backwards, singing backwards . . . uoy teg ym tfird?

I'd like to meet:

My other split personalities oh and the usual jesus, santa, the hoff etc etc


love love love all of it even opera which everyone seems to hate - just try singing it in the shower woah is that an experience, actually try singing it in really public places and you'll be converted.


love them too! espesh making movies seriously you can get hours of fun by remaking the blair witch project at night...when pissed. other films to my name (and katie and rachels for that matter) are the lord of the rings and a rather humorous interpretation of jaws. As for the normal stuff... anything by the cohen brothers, The Lord Of The Rings, any Jackie Chan films or Owen Wilson for that matter, Motorcycle Diaries, Jarhead more more more


invented by John Logie Baird - There's a fact for you.


Around Ireland with a Fridge, Join Me, any Bill Bryson, The Queen and I, Clockwork Orange, Nineteen Eighty-Four (not that im trying to be intellectual and arsey) The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord Of The Rings, The Family Health Dictionary...


Storm from X-men, the old rock dj (geogers peeps you know who im talking about), Michael Fish, Jackie Chan . . .

My Blog

Amazing New Fact Of The Day

the word "bookkeeper" is the only word in the English language that has 3 consecutive pairs of letters
Posted by chalice on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:33:00 PST

Another Fact of the day

Hippopotamuses excrete an oily, red liquid that protects their skin and makes them appear to sweat blood
Posted by chalice on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 08:22:00 PST

Fact of The Day

Female reindeer have antlers, unlike any other species of deer
Posted by chalice on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 02:18:00 PST