Music...Style / Originality...Exploring The Wonderful World of Vino...Dark Beer...e-shi clothing...Daily Crosswords...My Mac, Nano & E550...The City Life
my alter ego...
I'll make this simple...I am GLAM ROCK...ROCK...HIP-HOP...TRIP-HOP...GIRLY ROCK...OLD PUNK...and METAL. I crave the darkest house music available..and I'm addicted to electro. I know a lil' something about everything.
"I'm your Huckleberry...that's just my game. Playin' for blood right?!"..."I was just foolin' about."....."I wasn't."
Dantes Inferno..Hunter S. Thompson..Anne Rice..Ken Kesey...Jack Kerouac..George Orwell...John Steinbeck...many many more.