"Music is the best way to open people's hearts"
Hi Everyone,
My Name is Diane Ele. I am host and creator of plasmachannel.com (a music site where I interview famous music stars) and I am also the president and founder of a great Non Profit Organization called Bridges of Peace (bridgepeace.org). We promote Peace and Luv through music and the Arts & help children of war and poverty. You can see some famous celebs(Bon Jovi, Goo Goo Dolls, BB King) talking on peace and listen to music written for peace from people around the world.
I also want to let you know that I am a HUGE DREAMER. Not a day dreamer, well that too but a person who is always having dreams that come true. My REM sleep seems to work in overtime. It's been happening to me for many years but lately it almost feels daily. It can be simple things to very important things.
SO...this SPACE is being dedicated to keeping a log of my dreams and how they come true. Just this morning..another one came true...so let it begin.
I will share with you past ones and some exciting things that have happened to me because of following the signs and coincidences from the Holy Spirit.
I do have a great Rock n Roll adventure that u may enjoy as well...like dancing on stage with Bono, interviewing Jon Bon Jovi, John Rzeznik & more. Well, you can see those on plasmachannel.com but you may see something about it here possibly.
I've been sick for a few years with MS and in the beginning, I was laid up for many months with much pain and damage to my spinal cord in my neck. I have improved greatly but not fully healed as I have to be careful and sometimes suffer in and out of severe pain. I'm glad to say I am not sick but I am sad to say that I still have this neck injury limiting me from doing too much. I don't know what is going to happen to me but I am open to whatever the Lord wants from me. I had a dream that I was telling someone.."You can't work hard all the time, sometimes you have to coast on God's providence". This is what I am doing. Words of wisdom from a Dream. I take no credit..LOL! I have so much more to tell you which will flip u out so...read my blog!
One more thing... By the way, in case any BANDS read this, my NP org. Bridges of Peace-bridgepeace.org is organizing a concert for peace. "Coming together in Love to call for Peace". Email me. This is my dream and I am really hoping this is your dream also and we can work together to make this happen. :)
* See above...Nov. 23, 2008, The Headliner, Bridges of Peace "Jersey Shore Jam" Benefit Concert...JOY!!!!
Music is the best way to open people's hearts. ;)
Love & Peace,
Diane Ele