My name is JoKeR.
Everyday I wake up feeling the same...
Pain just a little worse than yesterday.
Escalating over the years,
Forcing me to face my worst fears.
But look at who I am today,
Strong and not afraid to play.
My ignorance was long ago
My wisdom forcing me to grow old
Yet my body defies me
Telling my observers a completly different story
Then again what do they see?
I would never let them see the real me.
So am I the one to blame?
Am I stuck in some sick mind game?
I am who I am
And here's what I think,
Ignorance and stupidity are two different things.
I don't care who you are or what you think
What you see and what you know might never link.
I'm dying, no for real, I'm dying
The cancer is eating away inside of me.
Yet I'm not afraid
Death has got to be better than the pain
I lost my mind long ago
Cinvincing myself to just put on a show
Extreme emotion I cannot handle
My mind turns to another channel
Kai and Karma are their names
They're the ones who handle this game
Step up, I'm not afraid to play
Mental, physical, spiritual, whatever
Throw your best shot and I'll throw you one better
Fear rises the most when memories are forced to come foward
The nightmares, oh god, OH GOD, I wish I had none
Nightly reoccurences of rape, murder, death, blurs...
Blood... Blood...
I don't care who you are and I don't GIVE A FUCK what you think
I have too many problems of my own to care about your game
Everynight I fall asleep feeling the same
I can't wait to wake up to my pains.