all types of ill shit, crocodile hunting, crochet, knitting, lacrosse, rugby, cross-country skiing, luge, male ballarina, and of course, synchromized swimming. Also swim suit modeling, and have sex with your mother
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Real Mutha Fukas...know any? I know a few but not many!
GRATEFUL DEAD, REGGAE, hip-hop, Les Claypool, ashlee simpson, irish music,, dope shite, anything that involves talent,death metal, christian rock, polka.....Did I mention the GRATEFUL DEAD
Ferris Buellar's day off,Debbie Does Dallas, The Usual Suspects, most Kung Fu movies, Casablanca, Duel to the Death, Showgun Assassin, Labyrinth, Drunken Master, Team America, Clockwork Orange, Ninja scroll, Ghost in the shell (1 only) !!!
Kill Your Cable...Watch Movies
When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops?, The Hobbit, The Scientist, The Book of 5 Rings, Miyamoto Musashi represent yo!
Jet Li, Vince Vaughn, Will Ferrell, Sam Kinison, George Carlin, Timothy Leary, John C. Lily, my dad, Miyamoto Musahi (an unbeatable samurai) and all the members of the GRATEFUL DEAD