Lunbot 5 aka LMD aka Lumpy Munk Dunkster aka Chex Lunix aka MC Cheesefist aka the Wizzid aka SS Pizza Party is a scientist/fresh emcee who is a co founder of IYF Productions along with Al Bombz and Kid Nice, as well as chief homeboy to the Average White Boys and a member of both the seminal hardcore punk rock crew the Patchouse Skinfreaks and prog-rock geniuses Excelsior. One of the sexiest men alive with a hairy chest like Burt Reynolds.LMD was recently published in Nature magazine in one of their rare pieces on plants. LMD is one of the freshest emcees of all time and is totally banannas. He wrote the bugged out bboy classics "The Chex Lunix Show", "LMD Love Jam" and co-wrote the masterpieces "Zed Duk", "The Pharoh and the Wizzid", "Stupid Fresch Panyote" among many many others. Currently repping HARD in the UK and has vowed to bone the Queen of England's burlap bloomers off before he jets.