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HotFreeLayouts................Scott Wichmann is a skinny, gap-toothed, yet Don Knotts-ishly endearing native of Pittsfield, Massachussetts, and a 1995 graduate of Wagner College (Staten Island, NY). He's freakin' SWEET. He is a working-class actor, singer, comedian, and writer who fires off letters to the editor of his local newspaper & to his congressional representatives like some disgruntled sixty-five year old man. Scott plays right field for the Nationals of the Virginia Baseball Congress, touch football in the BPFL, and checkers with his wife Jennifer. He also runs like he stole something. He is obsessed with the Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics, Bruins, Star Wars, and Kroger brand 'Shells n' Cheddar.' Scott wholeheartedly believes in 'equality, decency and respect for all people worldwide' and he even sometimes has the temerity to suggest that the United States needs to evolve beyond the limits of it's capacity to be afraid of everything. (Obviously, this pinko-commie mac-n-cheese loving Islamofascist wears Al-Quaeda underoos, no?) In the meantime, Scott is training for his first Marathon: The Shamrock Marathon, in VA Beach, March 16, 2008. He's also directing & acting in plays, and doing commercials, voice-overs and short films, as well as writing several projects. Long term, he would like to eventually try an Olympic-distance triathlon. Baby steps, yo, baby steps. Scott is also restoring his original 'Kenner' Millenium Falcon Spaceship from the original 1977 STAR WARS toy line. He even has the box it came in. BLEDAT!!