Member Since: 2/27/2006
Band Members: sam : guitares 6 et 12 cordes, cannes a peche, ukulele, harmonicas et voix
I MET HER IN THE DUST live au Tap de poitiers 27/11/08
Last Song
envoyé par lienepileptic
Les Anarchistes
Influences: Woody Guthrie, Hank Williams, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Joe Strummer, Mark Lanegan, Bonnie Prince Billy, J R Cash, Herman dune, Townes Van Zandt, Nick drake, Elliot Smith, Pedro the lion, Robert Johnson, Leadbelly, Big Bill Bronzy, Sonic Youth, Wilco, Billy Braggs, Shannon Wright, Leo Ferré, Alain Bashung, Daniel Dark, le punk rock anglais de 77, le hardcore US 80/90 : Husker Du, Fugazi, Jawbreaker, Wipers...., le rock australien : New Christs, Scientist, The Saints, Happy hate me not..., et le rock francais : Real Cool Killers, Thompson rollets, Thugs, Fixed up, City kids, OTH ... et le groupe de rap marxiste-leniniste anti colonialiste : La Rumeur
i ain't got no home (woody guthrie) ukulele version
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Sounds Like: The "Nebraska" by Bruce, the melody of the rivers where he fishes for trout, the "sweet-smelling sound" of an Irish stew in Donegal, the triptychs of
Bacon, the mobiles and stabiles of Calder, the workmen on strike singing
the Internationale, one's own tears listening to the Strummer and Cash duet on
"Redemption Song", Woody Guthrie appeasing the displaced farmworkers and the workmen's souls with his trade-unionists songs...le "Nebraska" de Bruce, la mélodie des rivières ou il va pêcher la truite, le son odorant d'un "irish stew" dans le Donegal, les triptyques de Bacon, les stabiles et les mobiles de Calder, des ouvriers en greve chantant l'internationnale, ses propres larmes a l'écoute de Strummer et Cash chantant Redemption Song, Woody Guthrie apaisant les ames des paysans et des ouvriers avec ses chansons syndicalistes ...
"she's leaving" - my hand in your face
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Type of Label: Major