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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm nothing out of the ordinary. I'm just Leah.I dont care about much but what i do care for i'll defend until the end.i wish on the first star i see every night, no matter what i am doing if i see a star i'll wish on it.i also believe that it is true ' well behaved women never make history', you only live once so why on earth should we bother with idiotic exucses of people? who argue and think you actually give a fuck if they hurt you? better of without alot of people, and i know who those people are. i have my close friends and i adore them,nothing could ever mean as much to me as they do.
For attrative lips, speak words of kindness
for lovley eyes, seek the good in people
for a slim figure share your food with the hungry
for poise, walk with the knowledge of knowing you will never walk alone
people more than things have to be
restored, renewed, revived, redeemed and reclaimed
never throw out anyone.
i'm selfish,impatient and a little insecure
i make mistakes. i am out of control at times, hard to handle
but if you can't handle me at my worst
you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.
i believe everything happens for a reason
people change so you can learn to let go
people lie so you learn to trust no-one but yourself
and sometimes things fall apart so better things can fall together.
who are you to judge the life i live?
i know im not perfect-i dont live to be
but before you start pointing fingers
make sure your hands are clean

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