Watching sports, playing xbox with friends, watching movies, and just generally being wild and exciting.
Ok I officially give up on girls. I need to find an Angel. I've experienced enough to know I'd love to find a good girl to be a good influence on the few faults that really bother me about myself. I really like shorter athletic girls. I don't think I could ever date another person in the military. There are a few beautiful girls enlisted but that kind of takes away the sweet caring part of a girl I think is the best part.
Your Brain is 60.00% Female, 40.00% Male
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and femaleYou are both sensitive and savvyRational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headedBut you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve
What Gender Is Your Brain?
V for Vendetta, Grind, Eurotrip, Crash, We were Soldiers
CSI, Sportscenter, and the Discovery channel
they look cool on my shelf
The ones who are gone now but still stay with me are my grandparents and my mother. And my dad for staying with me and not letting me get stupid.