About Me
About MIX'T Dance:
MIX'T Dance provides customized entertainment, choreography and talented dancers for all types of special events and productions.
MIX'T Dance is new, fresh and open-minded. We'll help you provide the entertainment needed to make every event a success.
MIX'T is a partner in the Off-Broadway show "Crazy Sexy Disco"...check out the website www.crazysexydisco.com
MIX'T has also partnered with Rockit Aerials; if you want to complement your event or performance with aerialists or specialty cirque acts, let us know.
MIX'T Services Can Be Used For:
Corporate Parties, Private Events, PR Events, Exhibitions, Tours, Videos, Fashion Shows, Premiere Parties, Club, Stage, Theatre, Artist Back-up, Promotions...
www.mixtdance.com, www.crazysexydisco.com
MIX'T Dancers Have Worked With:
Recording Artists: Madonna, LL Cool J, Fat Joe, Britney;
Networks: MTV, VH1, BET, ABC;
Media/Entertainment/Planning Companies: Bf9 Media, Swagg Events, Untouchable Events, Nicky Reinhard Events
Got You All MIX'T Up