What up this ya boy Joey Blaze introducing to the world the best graphics team J 2 Grafiks!!!!!!!!! I been doing graphics for a while working with different artist and different companies and said to myself "you got a name. . . . .you got talent. . . . . you got a team . . . . you got a business group . . ."i decided to do the damn thang. With support from family and friends I am pushing on to persue my dream. This is just the begining.I myself am a promotor also so if thats what you need holla!!!!!!!
- J. BlazeWhat I do is . . . . .EVERYTHING. You name it . . . logos. . . .cd covers . . . .posters. . . . flyers . . . pluggers. . . . .clothing designs . . . . .business cards . . . .customize clothing. . . . . . banners..