musica violeta profile picture

musica violeta

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About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4It all started somewhere in Santiago de Chile, on a Thursday, many years ago. I can't really remember. From then till now it is a completely different story. And yes... this is the bit most of us don't really like... writing things about myself is not my strongest point. I guess I prefer to write songs. Personally, it's not an easy task. Each song is a little treasure. Sometimes they are born from my guitar and voice, some others they are a synthesized riff.I started singing when I was about 12 and making music only when I was about 18 or 19. "Magdalenas para ti" is my solo debut. I chose to do it in Spanish because it's my mother language and somehow I felt the need of saying certain things in that particular way. I've lived abroad for about 5 years, currently in Liverpool, and have spent too long away from home. Therefore... making the record in Spanish is some kind of tribute to my homeland... a big "Thank You".As well... I've done other musical stuff with other people. For a while we had some kind of project called Disqueria with Gav (from Mantra) which then turned into a proper band when Tom and Joey joined. Joey left us soon after but we kept on going and having fun. Now we are trying to get things up and running with Tom and other exciting people to form a new band in Liverpool.On the solo side... a lot is going on inside my head... I'm already thinking of a new album... where I might include some songs in English.. or treat the English stuff separately and put them on a short CD.--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -Por Hugo Martinez:La sensibilidad a flor de piel, la interminable calma que viene de admirar el color favorito en el horizonte al amanecer o justo antes de dormir. Eso es Violeta. Pero tambin es mucho ms. No slo es la combinacin de tonos, de instrumentos o de ritmos. Es una secuencia continua de cadencias y silencios, del justo equilibrio de ambos, y que genera imgenes de alto placer en la mente del que escucha. Violeta es una mujer que sabe cmo extraer fantasas, colores, ambientes y sabores con su msica; ella perfecciona una expresin y la convierte en arte. Su primer disco atrapa en el momento en que se escucha; la msica envuelve como el canto de las sirenas, deslumbra como el paso de un cometa a los habitantes del planeta, y deja su marca, una estela en el oceano, misma que acompaa a quien la escucha, como quien escucha a la amada cantandole al oido. Violeta vive la msica, y hace vivirla a quien la escucha. Conocerla es admirarla, escucharla es flotar en un mundo diferente. Su energa contagia estados de animo, mismos que perduran y crean dependencia.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/27/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Violeta- voz y programaciones
Influences: The stuff I like ... in no particular order.../ Lo que me gusta sin un orden en particular: Pulp, Bjork, The Postal Service, Death Cab for Cutie, Teenage Funclub, The Dandy Warhols, Beck, Sigur Ros, Mantra, Flaming Lips, Tom Smith (Magic!), Jeff Buckly, Stereolab, Mum, The Wombats, Mazapan, Tom Jobim, Shakira (so what?), Alejandro Sanz, Entre Rios, Plastilina Mosh (yeah!! please check them out if you haven't), Testcard, Belle and Sebastian, Air, Lucybell, Gepe, Demonios de Tasmania, Pizzicato Five, Utada Hikaru, Cornelius... and it goes on and on... I'll fill it in as I remember....
Record Label: Neurotyka-Chile/Superdiscos Chinos-Mexico
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Comprar CD en Santiago

Si te interesa comprar Magdalenas Para Ti por favor contacta a Marcelo al correo [email protected] Ademas, los invito a visitar la pagina del sello Neurotyka  ...
Posted by musica violeta on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 09:36:00 PST

Back in the UK!

Hey I've just arrived back form my mothercountry, Chile, where I've been for the last 6 months playing some gigs and making some music :~) . I was also doing some music research and  intervi...
Posted by musica violeta on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 03:28:00 PST


Bueno... experimentando este fin de semana... completamente funcional a un computador y un par de audífonos de discman, disculpen lo low fi. Esto lo fui armando al revez de mis rutinas cancioneras, ...
Posted by musica violeta on Wed, 02 May 2007 05:06:00 PST


Magdalenas para ti is for sale in the UK!   :)
Posted by musica violeta on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 03:58:00 PST

You cannot trust the sun

Rule no. 1 -No matter what, ALWAYS carry an umbrella. Oh yeah... this morning I was about to leave home for an exciting day between my books at University when Matt said: -"you don't need that coat o...
Posted by musica violeta on Thu, 04 May 2006 11:06:00 PST