music its all over the gaff just gotta open ur ears! going to see bands and getting more music is tremendous! comedy is great love stand up! like films and some tv shows south park and darkplace are funnier than anything i have ever seen!
a talking rock for the general awsomeness of being able to say meet my mate steve the stone! (obviously if his name was steve it could be jorge (pronounced hor-he) or giminez or well u know what i mean) will ferrell that would be legendary! robert goulet but only if he was to croon! ross noble for wacky funny random stories he could tell me! msn is [email protected]
just a couple i will slowly update this! alkaline trio, billy talent, cooper temple clause, distillers, editors, foo fighters, green day,box car racer, the fratellis, boy kill boy, eels, boy hits car, breaking banjamin, bush, cold, hundred reasons, inme, jimmy eat world, kula shaker, louis xiv, mars volta, the arcade fire, audioslave, at the drive in, beck, blink 182, nine inch nails, offspring, chris cornell soundgarden, the strokes, sum 41, system, 3 colours red, third eye blind, death from above 1979, 65 days of static, editors, electric 6, fall out boy, glassjaw, coheed and cambria, be your own pet, vanilla ice, funeral for a friend, goo goo dolls, hoobastank, green day serart, smash mouth, hanson, hell is for heroes, inme, linkin park, limp bizkit, lost prophets, mooney suzuki, my chemichal romance, nine black alps, nirvana, panic! at the disco, papa roach, presidents of the usa, prodigy, radiohead, placebo, QOTSA, rage against the machine, smashing pumpkins, the academy is..., we are scientists, yourcodenameis:milo etc...... and century man vist their myspace and give a listen!
anchorman, zoolander, transformers the movie, team america, south park and nick fury starring david hasslehoff its cheese pure unadulterated cheese!
south park, darkplace, arrested development, my name is earl family guy, futurama, dave gormans are u dave gorman! and his astrological experiment! the tourettes camp usa docu-sitcom-comedy thing the other week! that needs to be released on dvd!
join me and the yes man by danny wallace were awesome
petey whiting, skunnie, penfold, millhouse, hans moleman, the thundercats they be bad ass pussies!