Any kind
I luv movies!!!(lol) Wow wut a surprise huh? I like horror movies that best. Oh but Im more into the original versions ‘n’ not so into the remakes. Why mess with (fuck up) something that don’t need messing with? ‘N’ wuts up wit the lame(didn’t take more then 5min 2 come up wit) ass title movies… some of them are so stupid, that it makes me not wanna see the movie.{angel is gay} I also like funny movies ‘n’ I don’t care if it makes sense or not. If it has a plot ’n’ if it caries it though out the movie. Cuz if it made me laugh, in my opinion it achieved its purpose. I don’t care if its clever funny or funny stupid as long as its was funny. But my very favorite movie by far is “LIFE IS BEAUTIFULâ€. If u ever get a chance 2 see it do so. Even though I enjoy movies I’m not so wild about going 2 the theater… I prefer waiting 2 buy them so I can see ’n’ enjoy them 2 the fullest.
I luv 2 read books!!! That’s my favorite thing 2 do in the whole entire world… no universe!!!(lol) Its like oh my koh me fascinan!!! Some gente might say that its senseless 2 read about other people’s life(fictional people 4 that matter) The reason I like 2 read books is because of that very same reason!!! Duh… It’s grate that when ur not having the highlight of ur life… ’n’ everybody has those moments more than they can count…u can get a break 4rm ur own life wit a book. (but it has 2 be something that appeals 2 ur interest, not something that some1 else makes u read) Even if life is not in it’s usual bitchy mood reading can help u become a better person in more ways that 1 might think. Not only that but u can learn more 4rm a book than 4rm sitting inside a classroom ‘n’ Im not talking about a text book! Wutz my favorito book? Mmmm… I really can’t say cuz I’ve read so many books ‘n’ they were all so diverse in content that it would be extremely hard 2 pin point the best. Well I guess u get the point I’m crazy about books!!! (lol)
People with fiery conviction. Everybody who lives their life the way they want to regardless of the consequences or criticism. A ballsy move I'd say. Other than God NOBODY is the one person that fits this description with perfection.