I'd Like TO Meet:My Creator but, not any time soon!! My Great Grand Children..considering my grand babies are only 5 and 8 years old, that should keep me around for awhile!!! I would like to meet U.S. Servicemen, U.S.Vets, recovering addicts, single parents, survivors of abuse and cancer survivors, I'd like to meet the family members of the firemen and policemen lost on 9/11, I'd like to meet the citizens of Waveland, Bay St.Louis, Pass Christian, Gulfport and Biloxi and get THEIR own personal input on the Katrina experience.. Did our Government and the Insurance companies "step up" in their time of need? I'd like to meet the New Orleans Cops and Firemen who worked through and survived the Katrina nightmare, I want their uncensored replies! I want to meet Interesting people and hear their life stories.