I'm sure there are some excellent grammar books and dictionaries that could give you more information about 'me' but i'll do my best. 'Me' is a first-person singular pronoun that functions for all cases in which one wishes to refer to themself in the first-person singular except when one's self is the subject of the clause, at which time the first-person singular pronoun 'i' should be used. (See below for 'About i'.) So that's really all i can tell you About Me.
But seriously...first of all, i just want to explain that i really don't like talking on the phone. It's not that i don't like you, or don't want to talk to you, it's that i don't want to talk on the phone. So, unless your name is Sherry McMahon AND you happen to be my mom, there's an excellent chance i won't answer the phone when you call. (Typically both of those criteria have to be met before i will make an effort to answer my phone, but if you fulfill only one of those, that would probably increase the odds of me answering as well. For instance, if your name is not Sherry McMahon, but you do happen to be my mom, i would probably like to talk to you, and i would also probably have some questions i would need answered.) But, i will check my messages as soon as possible, i may call you back (but that's often contingent on the nature of the message), and i will typically look for the quickest moment to draw the conversation to an end. But, it's not you...it's the phone.
I like stuff...if it's something...there's a chance i'll like it.
I like learning what makes people tick...people are interesting characters.
Apparently my lingo isn't what the kids call 'hip'.
About 'i'----I have a passion in life, and a desire to spread this passion, to de-capitalize the pronoun 'i' (as long as another rule doesn't call for it's capitalization, such as beginning a sentence). There's no warrant or justification for this randomly capitalized word in our everyday writing! It just says that i, when referred to as a first person, nominative pronoun, am worthy of breaking all consistencies of the rules of capitalization so that i may stand out above all others...it's an existential crisis, if you ask me, and just the beginning of the downfall of society by attributing an elevated importance to the self above others...great googely moogely!
I don't have this thing called 'humor,' but it fascinates me.
I want myspace friends in order to validate my existence, i mean, yeah...that's what i mean...