~V.I.P i sr.~ profile picture

~V.I.P i sr.~

~This man is my HEART & always will be...no matter what! ~img src=http://image.blinkyou.com/glit

About Me

I am "37" years old and a single mother of 3. I have recently met a wonderful guy who I truly feel God has blessed me with...that is scareing the hell out of me! His Name is Rick and I already love him! That too is scary! But we'll see...I'll keep everyone posted. I love the time we spend together and I love to cuddle with him. I have the best kids in the world and how can I forget Kile...he is gonna be my son-in-law on day I pray!! and a great family to go along with it.I Love Josh's daily voicemails...he sings to me and always makes my day! I love Ashleigh, Randi & Josh like they are my own. And their babies... I love doing anything with my Sister Lynn...we always have fun no matter what. I really don't know what I would do without the love of Scooby, Chase, Maegan, Lynn, Don, Ashleigh, Randi and Josh & Rick! Maybe I'm over estimating myself but I feel like a very lucky person. I think I'm loved by too many to list and I thank God for that. I am a very lucky person. I love to sit and listen to Scooby & Chase play the guitars while Josh plays the Harmonica. They are awesome. I especially love it when Scooby sings a song and cries at the end...can't take the Dixie outta him!!!! I consider my family my best friends along with Debra (who I met through work....Thank God). I really miss Malijah, I helped raise her and love her along with Brooklyn and Jami...I also love Michelle(their mother), She swears I had her at the age of 10 and gave her to my sister! LOL I really don't know a whole lot to day about myself cuz I guess I am kinda boring! And those of you who know me.....know me. I enjoy hanging out with family and friends, and taking care of my family. My son's best friends had their baby and he is precious! Well..I don't see them very often now but I do love and miss them! I love my kids friends and they are very lucky to have them. We now have a new addition to our family!! I thought I could not wait...but I made it!!!!! Anyway if I think of anything else about myself, I will edit this later. Did I mention that I love to cuddle with Rick??? href="http://www.profiletrick.com"MySpace Layouts Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com
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Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com
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My Interests

Being with my family and friends & Rick!
You Are an Appletini
Most of the time, you're a typical party girl / guy.
But when you get super sauced, you really up your sex appeal. What Mixed Drink Are You?


All types except classical. Mostly Country
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All Chick Flicks.....I'm a dreamer!


Don't get to watch it much...with my work shedule. But I do like American Idol, Lifetime(of course). I use to love Extreme Makeover (wished I could go on that!) and Trading Spaces, What Not To Wear, etc.... Are these shows even on anymore?????


Alot of different kinds....don't get to read much anymore. I fall asleep doing that too!


My Family