CANON TISSUE profile picture


april 30th, last day of HELL!!

About Me

co-mat pong creator, art and cat lover, silent but violent, circus wannabe, chocoholic, rice noodle soup is the bomb, tea person,

My Interests

sooweegleen, tiger, stay up late, sketch books, caricatures, mission tacos, dim sum, pumpkin pies, biking, mat pong, karaoke, movies, cults, secret societies, Communazi, driving, road trips, rearranging things, Circus, daydream, farts, soups, funs, sharpies, socks, wood scraps, tools, smell of elevators, tea, deformed human structures, anatomy, noodles, making noise, extreme musics, brutal funning, make up words, fishnet, nail polish, hats, sake, patron, internet, instruments, seaweed, stinky foods, sammiches, mosaics, cuddling, grids, massage, chinese medicine...

I'd like to meet:

*special thanks to Adrian for designing this ultra cool CANON TISSUE banner!*


Burmese, GNR, System of A Down, Pink Floyd, InFlames, Megadeth, Eustachian, Rawlit, Power Struggle, The Tufffs, Necrophagist, Evanescene, Beyond, HOCC, Prince, Nine Inch Nails, Queen, John Lennon, Julee Cruise, Marilyn Manson, Foo Fighter, Judy and Mary, X-Japan, Black Sabbeth, Offspring, Ramones, Black Flag, Greenday, Franz Ferdinand, Music for Animals, Ex-BF, SBG, WhiteHouse, Brainbomb, RHCPeppers, Journey, Misfits, Faith No More, Tina Turner, Janis Joplin, Cannibal Corpse, Flying Lutherbachers, Smashing Pumpkins, Offspring, Neil Young, Nivana, ACDC, Gojira, Sun City Girls, Meshuggah...


all Miyasaki's, all Osamu Tezuka's, all David Lynch's, all Stephen Chow's, Fight Club, Seven, Matrix I, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Momento, Crash, Magnolia, Iron Ladies, The Illuminati, The Corporation, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Finding Neverland, Beatle Juice, Big Fish, Flawless, Project A-ko, Old Boy, Cat Soup, Happiness, The Drill Killer, Death Sport, Vertigo, Mr.Vampire, Evil's Dead, Dogfield, Chunkin Express, Hero, Rise the Red Lantern, Happy Together, Visitor Q, Full Metal Yakuza, The Happiness of the Katakuris, This Film Is Not Yet Rated, ...


Twin Peaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Art and Fear, The Roadless Travel, Stiff, Fast Food Nation, The Power of Now, Finding Flow, small press comics, art books, maps, ...


families and friends, rock'n rollers, mother Teresa, Ghandi, Chuck Close, David Icke, Lance Armstrong, Julia Butterfly...

My Blog

Explicit Cuteness

can u handle that~
Posted by CANON TISSUE on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 10:39:00 PST


Posted by CANON TISSUE on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 05:47:00 PST

citiscape (long version)

Posted by CANON TISSUE on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 12:09:00 PST

skateboard painting - have u seen us???

most of my paintings r about myself, family, and friends. i've always wanted to somehow contribute something to somewhere with my art. this piece is about missing children. the idea was originally f...
Posted by CANON TISSUE on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 03:51:00 PST

Terina + Ernie = Hentai Ternie...

Posted by CANON TISSUE on Wed, 17 May 2006 11:47:00 PST