Brad profile picture


I am be you

About Me

Myspace LayoutsI'm 23. I feel like I'm going on 53. I believe in the philosophy of doing what I have to do now when I have to do it so I can do what I want later when I want to do it. Basically, I work hard and sleep harder. I hate whining and despise laziness. Get your ass off the couch and work. I love spending time with Erin, my girlfriend, and playing poker. These are really my only hobbies. I'm a smart ass, but I really can't help it. It's not my fault I'm more intelligent than most people ;) Oh yes, I am not modest at all. Erin is truly my better half though. She is the person who keeps me in touch with reality. She is silly and goofy which is the complete opposite of me. I need to lighten up a lot so it helps having her around to help me do so. She does so much for me and she is truly the "woman behind the man". I might get all of the attention, but she's the clockwork keeping me going. I love her!I'm the location manager at Mike's Carwash in Beavercreek, OH. Stop by and get a carwash! I'm very proud of becoming a location manager at such a young age. I worked hard for it and know I deserve it! Mike's is a fantastic company that I'm very lucky to have gotten into at such a young age. It has made me who I am today!Money doesn't buy you happiness...but it's more comfortable crying in a Jaguar than in a Hyundai. Gotta get paid!I love Erin!

My Interests

Erin, poker, work, my car, movies, dining out, traveling, NASCAR and racing, and music. LOUD music.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone. I'm an outgoing person. I'm honest, so don't ask me for my opinion if you don't want it. "I thought I'd get your theories, mock them, then embrace my own. The usual." - Dr. House


I listen to everything. I listen to rap, classic rock, country, bluegrass, blues, alternative, hard metal, easy listening, 60's, 50's, and pretty much anything else with a beat. I don't care much for slow music.My favorite Sirius channels: 74 Blues, 65 Bluegrass, 40 Hip Hop Nation, 6 60's Vibrations, 1 Todays Hits


Comedies. I hate scary movies. I despise them. Why the hell do you want to pay for a feeling that tells you something is wrong? I like actions and documentaries.


As Erin puts it, I'm an old man. I DVR the History channel, TLC, and the Discovery channel. There is nothing I love better than a good documentary. I also am a fanatic for House (best show on tv, hands down). Family Guy, The Simpsons, American Dad, and American Chopper are just a few other shows on my DVR.


I read magazines.


Bill Clinton - Greatest president ever. Barack Obama - Most likely our first black president. Chris "Jesus" Ferguson - Best poker player to live. Dad - Because he was out there making those dollars!

My Blog

Batman returns...

Bat saga...part 2. So Patrick calls me this morning and told me he walked outside his door and the bat did a nice little aerial move this morning. So we decided since it was active I would just head o...
Posted by Brad on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 05:19:00 PST

We can't stop here, this is bat country!

All right...I have never blogged before but I feel tonight it is appropiate. So my roommate calls me and is like, "Brad, dude, there is a bat in the basement." I mean, how do you really respond to tha...
Posted by Brad on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 07:28:00 PST