[CANT] <wait> {FOR} MY {{BABY}} BOY profile picture

[CANT] &lt;wait&gt; {FOR} MY {{BABY}} BOY

I wanna be like those girls in the movies to have a man so in love it makes him drop to his knees,Sh

About Me

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MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OK so im like da fuckin reallest person youll meet~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ders not another bitch like me ima give it to you how it is if u got a problem well baby gurl come fix it~~~~ *** im the type of person if u on muh good side we tight but if no bitch runn**** !!!!!im gonna tell u how it is im a CRAZY KOOL PERSON but fuck with me u can GET ONE!!!!! im the realest rican mami dat you meet and i love being me if u dont like being you plzx dont try to be like me cause u can im one of a kind so deal with it SON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **********THINGS U MIGHT NOT KNO BOUT ********************* ****(x) smoked a cigarette*** ****(x) smoked a cigar*** ****(x) smoked anything else**** ****(x) made out with a member of the same sex****all these only happened one time*bad girl****(x) been in love**** (x) been dumped **** ***(x) shoplifted **** ****(x) been in a fist fight *********(x) snuck out of my parent's house**** ***(x) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back **** ****(x) made out with a stranger**** ****(x) gone on a blind date ********(x) lied to a friend**** ****(x) had a crush on a teacher**** ****(x) skipped school****** ****(x) slept with a co-worker**** ****(x) seen someone die*********(x) crush on one of your MYSPACE friends *I still Do* *******(x) been on a plane**** ******(x) met someone in person from MYSPACE *********(x) love someone or miss someone right now ***** ***(x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by *******(x) flown a kite ***** ***(x) built a sand castle **** ****(x) gone puddle jumping**** ****(x) played dress up********(x) jumped into a pile of leaves********(x) cheated while playing a game **** ****(x) been lonely **** ****(x) fallen asleep at work/school ********(x) watched the sun set **** ****(x) touched a snake*********(x) been tickled *******(x) been misunderstood**** ****(x) pet a reindeer/goat ********(x) won a contest**** ****(x) ran a red light **** ****(x) been suspended from school**** ****(x) had detention ***** ****(x) been in a car accident *********(x) felt like an outcast******* ****(x) had deja vu**** ****(x) danced in the moonlight********(x) hated the way you look*** ****(x) witnessed a crime **** *****(x) pole danced**** ****(x) questioned your heart**********(x) squished barefoot through the mud**** ******(x) been lost****** ****(x) swam in the ocean **** ****(x) felt like dying ********(x) cried yourself to sleep**** *****(x) played cops and robbers!***** *****(x) recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers**** ***(x ) sung karaoke**** *****(x) done something you told yourself you wouldn't **** *****(x) made prank phone calls **** ****(x) laughed til some kind of beverage came out of your nose ***** *** caught a snowflake on your tongue**** ***(x) kissed in the rain *********(x) written a letter to Santa Claus **** ****(x ) watched the sun set with someone you care about** ****(x) blown bubbles***** ****(x) made a bonfire ********(x) gone rollerskating **** ****(x) had a wish come true******(x) jumped off a bridge **** **(x) told a complete stranger you loved them toni muh babay*******(x) sang in the shower*** ***( x) have a little black dress*** ***(x) had a dream that you married someone***** *****(x) glued your hand to something ********(x) worn the opposite sexes clothes**** ****(x) been a cheerleader **** ****(x) sat on a roof top ********(x) screamed at the top of your lungs*** ***(x) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours**** ****(x) stayed up all night *******(x) climbed a tree***** ***(x) are scared to watch scary movies alone******(x) played ding-dong-ditch *******(x) played chicken fight ***** ***(x) been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on*** ***(x) been told you're hot by a complete stranger ****8 ****(x) broken a bone**** ****(x) been easily amused ***** ****(x) caught a fish then ate it*******(x) caught a butterfly ***** ****(x) laughed so hard you cried**** ****(x) cried so hard you laughed ********(x) mooned/flashed someone **** ****(x) had someone moon/flash you**** ***(x) cheated on a test**** ***(x) forgotten someone's name*** ***(x) slept naked ********(x) French braided someones hair **** *****(x) gone skinny dipping in a pool****
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My Interests

The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: ~!~ BrOWn ~!~
Hair Color:: ~!~ ReDIsH bRoWn ~!~
Height:: ~!~ 5*5 ~!~
Favorite Color:: ~!~ ReD N BlAcK ~!~
Screen Name:: ~!~ mIsS mEmE ~!~
Favorite Band:: ~!~ tHe rOoTs ~!~
Favorite Movie:: ~!~ TwO cAn PlAy ThAt GaMe ~!~
Favorite Show:: ~!~ ThAt 70'S sHoW ~!~
Your Car:: ~!~ aNiT gOt OnE ~!~
Your Hometown:: ~!~ DaT dIrTY fOrt 772 ~!~
Your Present Town:: ~!~ AgG tOwN bItHcEs ~!~
Your Crushes First Name:: ~!~ WoULdN't U LikE To KnO ~!~
Your Grade:: ~!~ 11 cLaSs Of 08 !~!~
Your Style:: ~!~ mInE bItCH ~!~
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: ~!~ SI SI sI ~!~
Kissed someone in the rain?: ~!~ jEa ~!~
Danced in a public place?: ~!~ WhO hAsEnT ~!~
Smiled for no reason?: ~!~ umM... yEah ~!~
Laughed so hard you cried?: ~!~ sI lAsT niGht ~!~
Peed your pants after age 8?: ~!~ HelL nAw ~!~
Written a song?: ~!~ Si AsK n I mIgHt ShArE ~!~
Sang to someone for no reason?: ~!~ sI i SiNg Da LiTtLe MeRMaId SonG `~!~
Performed on a stage?: ~!~ yEa iT wAS TiGhT ~!~
Talked to someone you don't know?: ~!~ yEA IN MuH tEaM lEaDerShiP ClAsS ~!~
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: ~!~ yEa EvErY oNcE in a wHiLe~!~
Made out in a theatre?: ~!~ UmMm .... mY sECrEaT ~!~
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: ~!~ YeAh WhO DiDnT ~!~
Been in love?: ~!~ gAnGsTaS dOnT faLl in Love ~!~
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: ~!~ RaMsEY ~!~
Tell you, I love you?: ~!~ vIcKy ~!~
Kiss you?: ~!~ rAmOn ~!~
Hug you?: ~!~ umm cant remmber ~!~
Tell you BYE?: ~!~ kenya ~!~
Write you a note?: ~!~ eDdIe ~!~
Take your photo?: ~!~ JOaNn ~!~
Call your cell phone?: ~!~ JeSsIE ~!~
Buy you something?: ~!~ rAmOn ~!~
Go with you to the movies?: ~!~ RaMsEy ~!~
Sing to you?: ~!~ RaMsEy ~!~
Write a poem about you?: ~!~ JeSsIe ~!~
Text message you?: ~!~ NeLlY ~!~
Touch you?: ~!~ viCkY WE wErE FIgHtiNG ~!~
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: ~!~ tOdAy ~!~
Time you cried?: ~!~ 5 MOnTHs AgO ~!~
Movie you watched?: ~!~ tWo CaN pLaY thAt GAmE ~!~
Joke you told?: ~!~ A mEaN oNe ~!~
Song you've sang?: ~!~ DoWn ByE rAkIM Y kEn y ~!~
Time you've looked at the clock?: ~!~ 12:43 ~!~
Drink you've had?: ~!~ cHeRrY cOkE ~!~
Number you've dialed?: ~!~ 817 333 89** ~!~
Book you've read?: ~!~ cold sassy tre for class ~!~
Food you've eaten?: ~!~ ChIpS biTch ~!~
Flavor of gum chewed?: ~!~ sTaRw BeRry ~!~
Shoes you've worn?: ~!~ FiLp FlOPs ~!~
Store you've been in?: ~!~ KrOgErs lOL~!~
Thing you've said?: ~!~ fUck!~!~
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: ~!~ `s ~!~
Whistle?: ~!~ No I sUck aT it ~!~
Blow a bubble?: ~!~ Jea ~!~
Roll your tounge in a circle?: ~!~ NoPe ~!~
Cross your eyes?: ~!~ si ~!~
Touch your tounge to your nose?: ~!~ NoPe ~!~
Dance?: ~!~ Jea ~!~
Gleek?: ~!~ NoPe ~!~
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: ~!~ Jea ~!~
Speak a different language?: ~!~ Jea ~!~
Impersonate someone?: ~!~ NoPe ~!~
Prank call people?: ~!~ Jea ~!~
Make a card pyramid?: ~!~ NoPe ~!~
Cook anything?: ~!~ Jea ~!~
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: ~!~ STAR _BITCH I AM A STAR ~!~
I wish ...: ~!~ FOR YOU NOT ~!~
So many people don't know that ...: ~!~ IM A GANSTA LOL ~!~
I am ...: ~!~ DA REALLEST
My heart is ...: ~!~ MINE ~!~
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I'd like to meet:

Graphics & Layouts
List 20 friends in random order:
1. vicky
2. sabana
3. nelly
4. micheal
5. mayra
6. cint
7. steph
8. jenny
9. drea
10. vivana
11. jose
12. natile
13. keith
14. jonathan
15. travis
16. kari
17. lizabeth
18. kenya
19. toni
20. jc
Now answer the following:
how did you meet 13? In Mi SpEeCh ClAsS
what would you do if you never met 5? PrObBlY sTaYeD oUtTa TrOuBlE
have you ever liked 3? aS a fRIeNd Ya gUrL dOnT rOlL lIkE dAt
what do you honestly think of 10? ShE TiGhT cOoL pEpOLeS
would or did 19 and 8 go out? nAw DEy NeVeR mEt PlUs DeY fEmAlES
if 1 died tomorrow, what is one thing you would need him/her to know? dAt ShEs Mi DoWn AsS bItCh AnD i LoVe Her
would 2 and 11 make a good couple? nAw It AnIt HaPpIn
describe 6 in three words: CrAzY rEaL lOvEaBlE
do you think 12 is beautiful? In a WeRiD wAy
would 1 and 17 ever go out? NaW dEy NoT gAy
what do you think of when you see 8? DeR gOsE mI cRaZy BiTch
tell me something humiliating about 11: HeS a NeRD fOr SChOol
do you know any of 7's family members? YeAh HeR sIsTeRS
what is 20's favorite color? rEd
on a scale from 1-10 how cute is 14? I'
on a scale from 1-10 how cute is 14? 10

what would you do if 4 just professed their undying love for you? I d MaRrY hIm (CaUse hES dA oNe)
what language does 19 speak? SpAnIsH
who is 8 going out with? jOsE
does 2 have any siblings? YES
is 15 single? YES
what is 10's fantasy?
what school does 16 go to? MaNiSfIeLd
where does 9 live? FL
would you makeout with 13? SI
how did you meet 15? SCHOOL
what grade is 17 in? 11
when is the last time you talked to 12? TODAY
what is 3's favorite band? IDK
would you date 9? NOPE







Hosted by HitupMyspace.com..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
myspace 30 secrets
1. What does your Myspace Name Mean?: It MeAN I dOnT faLl iN lOvE i FaLL in lIKeS
2. Elaborate on your default photo:: cHilLin At THE crIb N jUsT wOKe UP
3. What's your middle name?: lIzZeTt
4. What is your current relationship status?: SiNgEl BiTcHes
5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?: i dUnNo DoNt GoT oNe
6. What is your current mood?: HaPpY
7. What do you love most?: mUH sIsTer VIcKy
8. What makes you most happy?: BlUe SkiTtLeS lOL
9. Are you musically inclined?: UmM KiNdA
10. If you could go back in time, and change something, what would it be?: nOpE I wOUlDnt
11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day- what would you be?: A UnIcOrN lOL
12. Ever have a near death experience?: sI OmG i Was SCarED
13. Name one thing you do a lot?: sLeEp
14. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head?: My LoVe
15. Who did you copy and paste this from?: NoBoDy
16. Name someone with the same b-day as you:: EvA
17.What do you like most about yourself?: mUH HaIr
18. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?: YeAh At ChUcRH
19. Would you change anything about your family?: nOPe
20. What's the first thing you notice about the OPPOSITE sex?: thE wAy Dey drESs
21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?: CoFfE
22. What's on your mind right now?: mU h HOmE bOY
23. Ever had a drunken night?: YeaH wAS cRazY
24. Had a good day today?: yEAh
25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?: yEA THe LItTLe mERmAID
26. Do you have braces?: noPe
27. Are you comfortable with your height?: YeaH im vEry PrOUd
28. Name something funny that happened to you?: ????????
29. Do you speak any other language?: yEaH sPaNiSh
30. What's your favorite smell?: sTaRwBeRys n CrEAm
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Take My Quiz
From QuizYourProfile.com
WhO aRe My FaV pEoPlE _- ViCkY (MUAHHZ BITCH)_ mYra (LiL sExY)_ *cInT*_ kEnYa)_ RaMsEY&amp;

A) _- ViCkY (MUAHHZ BITCH)_ mYra (LiL sExY)_ *cInT*_ kEnYa)_ RaMsEY&amp;
C) ViCkY AnD RaMsEy

WhErE wAs I BoRn

A) *772*
B) *817*
C) *561*

WhAtS MuH FuLl NaMe?????

A) NaOmI RaMiReZ
B) NaOmI ChRiStInA GaRcIa
C) NaOmI LiZzEtT rAmIrEz

wHaT kInDa PeRsOn aM i???????

A) ThE oNe DaT dOnT GiVe A fUcK
B) qUiTe
C) EvEryThiNg a BiTcH hAtEs On

Make a Quiz for Your Profile!

My Blog


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ThE oNe WhO mAkEs Me SmILe 143

there are things that you have control over and things you can onli sit and wait for. Some one of my past that ment the most to me more than anything i could think of has been brought back to me.Some ...
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