$NaPpY $Nap profile picture

$NaPpY $Nap

About Me

$creen Name=LilSnapple707

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$upport Me Put Thi$ Banner oN ur Page copy N pa$te The Code N put it On ur Profile!

To Get My Mu$iK On Yo ProFile CopY N pa$te The CodE

i ReP My LaBeL aLL DaY EvEry DaY itZ TrU CoNNecTed

My Be$t Friend LiL Warrior

My Grandfather wa$ the rea$oN i got my la$t name tatted on my che$t Now may u re$t in peace wi$h we all could off $een u turn 100 4ever we will remember u

R.i.P HoMeGurL CiCi $till iN R Heartz!

LeAVe Me A CoMMeNt!

My Interests


Member Since: 26/02/2006
Band Website: soundclick.com/snappysnap
Band Members: $Nappy $Nap, KNiGhTMaRe Loc, LADiE L00NEY
Influences: I LiStEn 2: Mac DrE, DuBeE, RhYdAh J. KLyDe, MiAmI ThA Mo$t, J DigGz, CoOlio ThA UnDA DoG, $pEeDy LoC [R.I.P], WoOdIe [R.I.P], DaRkRoOm FaMiLiA, BiG O$O LoC, BiG ToNe, DaViNa, GaNg$ta Flea, BuG$y, KriMiNal, $uNNy BoY LoKzTer, LiL CoNer, keEep DoGG, $leepy $aNtiNo, Mad Dog, The Team, Clyde Ca$oN, Kaz Kyzah, RBL Po$$e, $eaN KiNg$toN, P$D Tha Drivah, T-PaiN, Celly Cel, The GaMe, BoNe ThUG$-N-HaRmoNy, To0 $hoRt, Mi$ta FAB, TurF TaLk, E-40, Mac Mall, Me$$y MarV, YuKMoUtH, oUtKa$t, X-RaIdeD, BroTha LyNcH, TiTo B, FaT ToNe, KeAk ThA SnEaK, MiKe JoNeZ, AnD RIP TuPaC $hAkUr N BiGgIe $mALLz
Record Label: TrU CoNNeCtEd
Type of Label: Major

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