bradley profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

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Your results:
You are Superman Superman 70% Spider-Man 70% Green Lantern 65% Robin 60% Iron Man 55% Supergirl 50% The Flash 45% Catwoman 35% Hulk 30% Batman 25% Wonder Woman 25% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
I'm pretty much easy going, always willing to listen and help others. [1Th 4:11] I try my best to balance my busy lifestyle around those in my daily life. I work hard to achieve the goals I press on towards in life[Php 3:13-14] and try to balance this busy lifestyle around those important to me. I'm more of a giver than a receiver [Ac 20:35], I like to respectfully show how special someone is to me by treating her as best I can. I pray one day, all the plans of my heart will come true with His help. [Jer 29:11-13] .. .. .. ..

My Interests

church service, dinner/movies in/out, weight lifting, baseball/softball, tennis, fishing/water activities or just spending quiet time together

I'd like to meet:

someone who is personable, a good communicator, affectionate, shares similar interest and has plenty of patience. Someone I can relay on being there for me and doesn't mind being spoiled every now & than. If you're a hopeless romantic and a believer in God by giving fate a chance. [Ps 77:14] Hit me up and Let me know :o)


pretty much anything except rap kind music

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willing to compromise

Television: - Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics sports....also willing to compromise



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simple everyday people who takes time out of their busy life to make a difference in somebody's life.