I'm 23, I dont go to college. I'm going to be a traveling nurse one day, once I learn to surf. I cant wait to see the world and i wont stop until i have. I'd eventually like to take off work for a year and Hike the entire Applachian Trail.
I have awesome friends and I am what you might call a "party animal."
I like making fun of people. The way I look at it, if you ask for it, you're gonna get it. My parents are amazing to party with, they are more fun than alot of my friends. People call my mom catfish, i'm stingray, and my Father is a living legend at "shooters" in hueytown, AL.... which speaks volumes.
I'm really into music and anything outdoors. Especially surfing and the wilderness.. I have a gorgeous niece, named Danna Kate who means the world to me
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