vocabularinist profile picture


About Me

Layout by CoolChaser We have been playing live music noise poetry electronica soundscape since 1996. Our line up has a core of three but has had numerous members over the years thru our various fazes. We have released about ten experimental tapes over the years and so far four mastered albums: 1999 - 'Hasznasznisznasz' 2001 - ' Vorsichtsmassnahmen' 2003 - 'the Spinostics of Chukinski' 2006 - 'Monkey Brains Controlling Robot Arms' All self recorded/financed/released We are nearly complete work on our 2 new cds of prgrammed stuff 'Vardoker' and 'Sudden Illumination Or A Kick In The Third Eye" We have played sporactically ova ze years in Sydney, Melbourne , Tasmania and Queensland. We hav played with rock, punk, indie and folk bands plus d.j's. mainly not fitting in anywhere but music is music ya know? Our sound is an ever evolving search for our own sound. We are into programming at home and recording live. We are up for delivering sloppy punk, experimental, non pop, more melodic tunes, ambient weirdness, glimpses of heavy metal and jazzzy instrumentals. On the side we do tape deck, chaoss pad, live sax, electronica sets. We are up for whatever. ( except dealing with corporate fux!) oh and whilst we all record Ernie has always dun the mixing/mastering stuff um that'll do..........and now a word From HUNTER S THOMPSON "In a nation ruled by swine, all pigs are upwardly mobile—and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely. We owe that to ourselves and our crippled self-image as something better than a nation of panicked sheep." —The Great Shark Hunt, 1979

My Interests


Member Since: 26/02/2006
Band Website: www.mp3.com.au/vokabz
Band Members: delusions/visions : DJ Urinal Cake aka Stikla aka Bumskuzz, atom manipulation : E aka Pimpenheimer , general lunatic ego deflation: Grazza aka Funkmeister G, apparently still interested: Faz aka: farnzschmidt
Influences: Music , LSD , food , air , pot, water..........
Sounds Like: Vocabularinist.......From Aural Innovations 14 (January 2001)"What's a Vocabularinist? Hell if I know. But the image at their web site implies it has something to do with traveling through someone's digestive tract. Ummmm... yummy. What I can tell you is Vocabularinist is an Australian outfit that plays some creatively insane music that I'll attempt to describe in a moment. The band has had up to 8 members and instrumentation includes guitars, bass, drums, keyboards, synths, violin, saxophone, tapes, turntables, and probably much more.Hasznasznisznasz is Vocabularinist's first CD, though the band has had several earlier cassette releases. Analogies for the music are difficult but some that are appropriate for Aural Innovations readers would be Vas Deferens Organization, Faust, and maybe the Residents. Vocabularinist can be spacey at times but are usually more punked out and even metallic than the mentioned comparisons. The band make full use of the studio for zany collages and fun efx. I also noticed on their web site that they play live quite a bit and listening to this CD I wonder how it might translate to a live situation.The band can be many things at once with the music smoothly gloming together numerous seemingly unrelated styles. Things get downright nuts on tracks like "When You Oscillate For Money" and "Ballad Of Multiple Phobias" in which freaky space synth noodlings combine with strumming acoustic guitars and rather disturbed vocals. The former blends into the Ballad which is a crazed guitar and sax freakout backed by more spacey synths and mad vocals and lyrics. But then they take a 360 degree turn on "You Blow My Cover" shifting from the craziness to a Dubby drum 'n bass ambient piece. But these shifts are par for the entire course of the disc, the whole of which is an intense, but often whacky, roller coaster ride. One of my favorite tracks is "Of All The Faces", a space punkin' rocker with nutso vocals and a generally intense party atmosphere. In fact, I think I'll stick with my Vas Deferens Organization comparison. Vocabularinist don't necessarily sound like VDO, but if you imagine a rollicking punked out version of them then you'll have something a bit like the Vocabs. Overall, there's plenty of spaciness and freaked out guitars but the Vocabs are definitely in a world of their own. Well produced and not just crazy for the sake of being weird."
Record Label: Subvert Records, Australia

My Blog

Vocabularinist Tapes1996-2003 Available for Download

Available now for download!.......all the tapes that Vocabularinist released 1996-2003 not including the 'proper' albums (whatever that means) long sold out (o.k, given away...) hours of audio 's...
Posted by on Mon, 25 May 2009 18:34:00 GMT

Clips by my flatmates

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAgXMm0Qs94This is a clip done by the same person (A D Amor, Ziltch animations) who made the Vocabularinist Clip "Passenger Side"The song is 'Antidote' By One Lane Bridg...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 08:57:00 GMT

Vocabularinist Video Clips

here's our video for our song "Passenger Side" , clip by A D Amor (Ziltch)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpgUg7S50JUand a clip for "I Need An Aeroplane" by Ernie Ohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bt7vy...
Posted by on Sat, 17 May 2008 14:00:00 GMT

The Wait (short Film)

Theres a new short film up on youtube By the artist Spindickle and it has some music by vocabz Dj Urinal Cake and generously features a urinating scene, great fun for the whole family.......check it o...
Posted by on Tue, 06 May 2008 12:21:00 GMT