アニメの女神 profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Anime is a beautiful thing both artistically and emotionally and draws most of us in a deep story line, whether it be comical or serious. My passion for anime started way back, sometime around third grade or so...I saw my first anime...Sailor Moon. I had never seen a Japanese animation before nor had I heard of such a thing, however as I grew older I became more intrigued and interested in this thing called Anime I started learning about and watching other animes such as Dragon Ball Z, Neon Genesis Evangelion, etc, during my pre-teen years. I became extremely fascinated with anime. Japanese animation differed very much from the typical American animation I was used to growing up with. Now.many years later Ive become obsessed with anime, its a part of my life that I simply can not live without. I live, work, sleep and eat for anime! I respect all forms of Japanese animation even if the story or characters don't meet everyone else's expectations. There's certain animes I like more than others of course, but I've yet to completely dislike an anime. Because of the thought and work that goes into each and every anime/manga, I respect all anime as a whole. I came up with the nickname is Anime Goddess years ago, this is not because Im trying to make a statement saying I know more anime than you! Im known and AG solely because of the deep attachment I have to Japanese animation. Im simply a young woman who loves Japan, Japanese culture and most of all Japanese animation. ^_^..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Akira Toriyama - Creator of Dragon Ball! The anime that got me into anime.Christian Baile - This guy's just hot.Hironobu Sakaguchi - Creator of Final Fantasy and founder of the video game developer Mistwalker! This man is like a god to me. Final Fantasy is the greatest video game series ever created in my opinion and I love each and every game that's put out.Kentarou Miura - Creator of Berserk! My all time favorite japanese manga.Masashi Kishimoto - Creator of Naruto! One of my current favorite animes.Quentin Tarantino - My all time favorite movie director!Ritsuko Kawai - Creator of Hamtaro! The cutest little anime about adorable hamsters.Uma Thurman - Star of Kill Bill and my favorite actress.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment

..As a Technical Certification Tester at Activision, here's a list of games I've worked on:

Deviant Stamps!


My Blog

Good ol nostalgia

Soo......I was bored for a large portion of the day today and I started looking through my old word documents when I happend to stumble upon an old short love story that I started writing when I was a...
Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 23:09:00 GMT

Anime Expo 2007 Pictures!

It's a little late I know, but I finally found some time to upload all the pictures of cosplayers I took at Anime Expo 2007! Enjoy!    
Posted by on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 08:27:00 GMT

Almost that time of year again! Anime Expo 2007!

It's almost that time of year again! Anime Expo 2007 is just around the corner  This is going to be an interesting expo this year considering the switch to the Long Beach Convention Center, which...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 10:35:00 GMT

The sole reason I will buy a PlayStation 3...

Nuff' Said!
Posted by on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 15:14:00 GMT