My name is Pogo Conspiracy
I'm 21 so far
I'm from Texas, I'm proud
I like to read
Sometimes I'm really, really fucking rude
Most of the time, I'm really not
Music's alright
I never know what day it is
I'm a pretty busy guy. Deal with it
I don't bother your religion, don't let it bother me
I don't want to join your Mafia family
I add little bits to this constantly
I'm really not as cool as I tell everyone I am
I talk, then act
Never done a drug in my life
I play a lot of video games
I pretty much only answer messages. Just sayin'
I'm a pretty diverse dude on tunes
I take great pride in my neighborhood
I will never compromise who I am for the sake of looking cool
I will never trust or believe them
I like to write on stuff
Socks make a huge impact on my day
I am not 16, do not talk about people like you are. (drama)
Respect means more to me than an orgasm or fake friend
I'm a firm believer in Militant Street Action
Skateboarding's a whole lot of fun
I text a lot. So?
I like wearing sunglasses
I skateboard for Delirium Skateshop .
I travel cross country on whims. It's fucking amazing.
I work at Target. I enjoy it.
I enjoy having a big vocabulary
App invites piss me off
I positively HATE talking on the phone
I'm hella awesome at bass
I change my hairdo a lot
I'm pretty decent at guitar
I've been an asshole for around 19 years
now and I'm really fucking good at it.
I kick some ass on drums
I like cool shoes
I am a poet
Oh, and that thing about me not being as cool as I say?
Totally a lie.
Also, I am in these bands
AIM - CitizenNull