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Well, well, well....Where do I begin!! LOL!! I love to do a lot of different things....I love to SHOP (couldnt live without it!! LMAO!!), spend time with my family (there the BEST!!), SHOPPING some more, traveling (anywhere away from JVILLE!!), uhhhh, shopping, reading with my daughter, anything dealing with MUSIC (LOVE IT!!), and anything else that seems interesting to me at that time, oh yeah, and SHOPPING!! LOL!....Im a very open minded person and I like trying NEW things so this is bound to change over time...As for now, the SIMPLE things in life make me SMILE a lot more then they used to!!♥
..JESUS of course!! (well, not now...but when it's my time to go, I hope he's the first person I meet!! :-)) As for somebody famous....T.I!! T.I!! T.I!! (did I mention T.I.????) ;-) And I have a new found interest in meeting Carmelo Anthony and Dwayne Wade (FINE!! FINE!! FINE!! LMAO!!)
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I love music...ALL kinds of music... I dont discriminate........... ;-) I like MORE rap then your average GIRL (T.I. (MMMM!! LOL), Nas, JAY-Z (of course!!) Common.....Just to name a few!!) but I like ALL types of music (RAP, R&B, NEO-SOUL, OLDIES, ROCK, POP, and lots more!!!) You play it, I guarantee I'll know some, if not ALL of the words....Go ahead. TRY ME... =)
The LAST movie I went to see was ICE AGE 2 (what? My daughter is FIVE!! LOL) But my all time favorite movies are BLOW & PURPLE RAIN....(LONG STORY! LMAO) I like all types of movies tho....I'll watch anything if Im bored enough...LOL!!
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GOTTA LOVE: CSI (Las Vegas), Grey's Anatomy,(those two are my FAVORITES!!) The WIRE (thats my SHOW!! LOL!) and old reruns from the mid and late 90s (you know...Martin...Living Single...etc, etc.) :-)
WHAT?!?!??! People STILL read BOOKS??!??!? Ummm.....Next Question....... ;-) Just kidding.....the best book I have EVER read was "The Great Gatsby"....reqiured reading in 11th gd. honors english but it was a GREAT book! (and the BIBLE is ALWAYS a winner!!) =)
My heroes would have to be my mom and my dad...They have, since day one been there for me REGARDLESS of my imperfections and constant need for $$$$!!! (Im spoiled, what can i say? LOL!!) But for real, they are wonderful people and I am truly blessed to have them as my PARENTS!! ;-) They are and always willl be my HEROES!!