♥KIESHA (NI)COLE♥ profile picture


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About Me

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HELLO PEOPLE!! My name is Lakiesha (or KIESHA for those of u who already know me!!) So you wanna know ALL ABOUT ME huh?? Well here goes....the GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY! Im a 24 year old mother of one...My daughter means the WORLD to me!! I would DIE FOR HER, KILL FOR HER, DO TIME FOR HER....Well, u get it =) Im a clean freak...I hate big messes....I dont like crowded places.....I hate liars...I LOVE to shop (a little TOO much sometimes!!)....Im halfway done with my BA degree....Its taken me 6 years to get that far (and Im NOT givng up!!)...Messy people urk me....I dont like CHEATERS....I have a weakness for PRETTY BOYS....I have A LOT of friends but only a FEW I hold close to my heart (they know who they are!!)....I was born in NC and raised in MD so I claim them BOTH (nothing wrong with a country girl with a CITY girls ATTITUDE....).....I love my MOM and DAD to death (COULD NOT live without them!!).....I dont want anymore kids (one is plenty!!)....I want to move back up North one day (I was thinking VA....right in the middle so I can be close to NC and MD!!).....HATERS keep me going (thanks LOSERS)....I was married before and now Im HAPPILY (and I do mean HAPPILY) divorced....I just got out of a relationship and he hurt me worst then any guy I had ever been with....I have a quick temper...Im quick to cuss someone out if they piss me off....I fear the LORD....I dont go to church as much as I should....I LOVE MY HAIR (I really DO...LOL)...I LOVE to laugh....I love to have a good time....I like to dance....Music is my LIFE....I like ALL types of MUSIC....I love to write....I HATE BUSH...I am a DEMOCRAT...I don't see RACE as an issue.....I make irrational decisions without thinking about the consequences....I tend to end relationships becuase I get BORED(so do what u gotta do to keep it EXCITING!!)...I love meeting new people...I have major MOOD swings (even when Im not PMS'ing)...I used to be one of the "GIFTED" kids in school.....I dont know what I want to do when I GROW UP but Im taking it one day at a time....People tend to believe Im STUCK UP, and Im FAR from that.....I cant stand HOES and try my best to stay away from them...Im the oldest of 5 kids...My parents have been divorced since I was 9...I tend to speak before I THINK....Im learning how to be a better mother everyday..I never wanted kids but Im glad the lord blessed me with my SUNSHINE....I have something against FAKE church FOLK...Im afraid to live so far from my mom that I cant just drive to her house when I want to...I love Grey's Anatomy (there isnt any show on BETTER then that one!!)...I wanted to be a COOPERATE ATTORNEY when I was young....I love going to he club...I drink more then ur avearge girl...I smoke CIGS and lord knows I NEED to quit...I have had an issue with my WEIGHT for as long as I can remember...But dont get it twisted, I know Im a pretty girl and I carry myself with CONFIDENCE...Im not ur average PTA mom...I love RAY LEWIS and CARMELO ANTHONY (oh and DWAYNE WADE was just recently added to that list....LOL)...I live life to the fullest every chance I get because I have lost so many people that were close to me, I know life is too short NOT to...I TRY my hardest not to judge people...I tend to talk WAY too much...So when I dont say anything, my friends and family know theres something wrong...Im the most kind hearted person you will EVER meet til u piss me OFF...OH, and I know I mentioned it before but I CANT STAND LIARS!! So with that being said, Im fresh out of info to BLAH BLAH BLAH about so feel free to show me some love (if I didnt scare you away!! LMAO!) Til next time, BE SAFE, PUT GOD FIRST, and BE EAAAZZZY!!! LATERS!! =)
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My Interests

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Well, well, well....Where do I begin!! LOL!! I love to do a lot of different things....I love to SHOP (couldnt live without it!! LMAO!!), spend time with my family (there the BEST!!), SHOPPING some more, traveling (anywhere away from JVILLE!!), uhhhh, shopping, reading with my daughter, anything dealing with MUSIC (LOVE IT!!), and anything else that seems interesting to me at that time, oh yeah, and SHOPPING!! LOL!....Im a very open minded person and I like trying NEW things so this is bound to change over time...As for now, the SIMPLE things in life make me SMILE a lot more then they used to!!♥

I'd like to meet:

..JESUS of course!! (well, not now...but when it's my time to go, I hope he's the first person I meet!! :-)) As for somebody famous....T.I!! T.I!! T.I!! (did I mention T.I.????) ;-) And I have a new found interest in meeting Carmelo Anthony and Dwayne Wade (FINE!! FINE!! FINE!! LMAO!!)

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I love music...ALL kinds of music... I dont discriminate........... ;-) I like MORE rap then your average GIRL (T.I. (MMMM!! LOL), Nas, JAY-Z (of course!!) Common.....Just to name a few!!) but I like ALL types of music (RAP, R&B, NEO-SOUL, OLDIES, ROCK, POP, and lots more!!!) You play it, I guarantee I'll know some, if not ALL of the words....Go ahead. TRY ME... =)


The LAST movie I went to see was ICE AGE 2 (what? My daughter is FIVE!! LOL) But my all time favorite movies are BLOW & PURPLE RAIN....(LONG STORY! LMAO) I like all types of movies tho....I'll watch anything if Im bored enough...LOL!!
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GOTTA LOVE: CSI (Las Vegas), Grey's Anatomy,(those two are my FAVORITES!!) The WIRE (thats my SHOW!! LOL!) and old reruns from the mid and late 90s (you know...Martin...Living Single...etc, etc.) :-)


WHAT?!?!??! People STILL read BOOKS??!??!? Ummm.....Next Question....... ;-) Just kidding.....the best book I have EVER read was "The Great Gatsby"....reqiured reading in 11th gd. honors english but it was a GREAT book! (and the BIBLE is ALWAYS a winner!!) =)


My heroes would have to be my mom and my dad...They have, since day one been there for me REGARDLESS of my imperfections and constant need for $$$$!!! (Im spoiled, what can i say? LOL!!) But for real, they are wonderful people and I am truly blessed to have them as my PARENTS!! ;-) They are and always willl be my HEROES!!

My Blog


URRRRRGH!! I hate playing games with people...Sure, a little UNO, a game or two of MONOPOLY...a lil CHESS here, a lil SCRABBLE there...But please, leave the MIND games for the MIDDLE schoolers! Either...
Posted by ♥KIESHA (NI)COLE♥ on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 04:41:00 PST

Things MEN should realize!

Things Niggas Should Realize: 1. Long hair is not the most important factor. Some short hairstyles are bangin', short dicks ain't. Get your priorities straight, stumpy. 2. Definition of a gold-dig...
Posted by ♥KIESHA (NI)COLE♥ on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 06:55:00 PST


So it has come to my attention that, some females just DON'T GET IT!! I mean, really, what do I have to do, to get them to see that being a SIDELINE HOE, is not CUTE!! LOL....Let me explain....a sidel...
Posted by ♥KIESHA (NI)COLE♥ on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 11:39:00 PST


So, Im back at it again....wide OPEN and ready to "SPILL THE BEANS". Life is CrAzY!! Just when u think you have a firm grasp on the sh*t, it slides right thru your fingertips!!  Aside from the da...
Posted by ♥KIESHA (NI)COLE♥ on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 03:07:00 PST


You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when ur with HIM? The feeling you wish could last forever? In that moment, NOTHING else matters!! Your on top of the world and the space betwee...
Posted by ♥KIESHA (NI)COLE♥ on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 06:53:00 PST


Wow...people never cease to amaze me!! All I have to say is THANKS...ur my motivation to keep "US" going. Dosent get ANY better then that!! I dont care what people think..I NEVER have, and Im NOT abou...
Posted by ♥KIESHA (NI)COLE♥ on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 06:39:00 PST

And b4 I FORGET....

OH!! And before I forget...ANYTHING I post up here, I will happily say to someones face...BLOGS are for venting...not BEEFING....so if given the opportunity to say what I post to a persons FACE, I WIL...
Posted by ♥KIESHA (NI)COLE♥ on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 06:47:00 PST


So Ive come to realize that GOOD things really do come to those who WAIT...The wait is LOOONG, and it may be TRYING at times, but its WELL worth it!! I almost gave up a few times.  I felt like ca...
Posted by ♥KIESHA (NI)COLE♥ on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 04:27:00 PST


Ok...I have officially come to the conclusion that BITCHES are DUMB....It takes a lot for me to look down on ANYBODY (simply because I am FAR from perfect and who am I to judge anybody else??) but the...
Posted by ♥KIESHA (NI)COLE♥ on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 05:20:00 PST


I know what it is now...im spoiled. Thats all there is to it...Im not used to waiting for things...So with that said, I have to be patient....and if its meant to be, it WILL be....Im used to guys want...
Posted by ♥KIESHA (NI)COLE♥ on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 08:22:00 PST