I am very lucky, I found my husband when i was only 15 years old, beleive it or not: I knew he was the one when I first layed eyes on him. Hes not perfect but i am happy and wouldnt take nothin for him. Not to mention how proud I am of him. He makes me a good living and encourages me to do my best. Theres no better love out there than ours. We also have a dog named Pooter. We are both CRAZY about her, like she was our child or something. Well technically she is. Christmas she gets more and we spend more on her than we do eachother. Sounds crazy, well its not cause truth be known- she loves us more than we could ever love her. We arnt plannin on kids right now cause we love to be spontaious, I mean tonight we may decide to pack up and go to P.C in the morning. We love bein free, maybe when we get older and settle down more we will think about kids. I love my mom. Shes everything to me, picture the best mom out there, one that is so happy to see u everytime u enter her door even if its 3 times a day, a mom that stays up with u all night if your sick, a mom that massages you and pampers you every night without asking, a mother that works hard(very hard) for a living and gives you every extra penny she has. I could keep going on and on and u still wouldnt get the picture. Sbes just to good to be true. That is my mom. My mom will always be #1 in my life cause nobody loves me like my mom does.
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Image Code By RednekTv.com
YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT ME? THEN READ THIS... i have learned not to let anyone run over you especially in the work place and do not go peacfully into the night because u only get one life make it a happy one. dont bring your stress from work home with u and dont take your stress from home to work with you. I love my husband and my mom and always will, they can never do wrong in my eyes. Take my advise cause iv been there... FIGHT FOR YOUR FRIENDS! FIGHT FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR HAPPIENESS(WHO ELSE WILL)! LOVE LIKE YOU'VE NEVER LOVED BEFORE AND NEVER WILL AGAIN! KNOW WHAT YOUR MAN WOULD LIKE AND NOT LIKE AND ONLY DO WHAT HE LIKES(THAT GOES FOR WHO U CAN FLIRT WITH AND IN THE BED AND WHERE U CAN GO, AND WHO U CAN BE FRIENDS WITH) BUT DONT TRADE A FRIEND FOR A MAN. DONT TRADE YOUR MOTHER FOR A MAN. BUT KEEP YOUR MAN AND HE WILL UNDERSTAND.-
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